
Jun 30, 2020
GoFund me....Setting up my Christmas Shop
Hello my Festive Friends, as you know my big dream is to own my own Christmas shop. So I’m excited to share that I‘ve set up a GoFundMe...

Jun 27, 2020
Christmas Themes
Disney themed I absolutely love Disney and I would love to take my daughter to Disneyland Paris for her birthday one day at Christmas. I...

Jun 26, 2020
Hello my Festive Friends
Hello, hello a lot has changed since I last wrote, it really has been an age since I've posted on my blog - I apologise. There are a few...

Jun 25, 2020
Painting my Christmas plates
I am so excited to these plates finished and fired. They are my Weymouth Christmas plates, I wanted to represent my lovely home town I...

May 18, 2020
Fundraising to create a Magical Christmas for children in care.
Firstly I should probably explain why I’m doing this as you mostly know me for my kidney journey to transplant. What some of you may not...

May 16, 2020
Hello my Festive Friends
Hello, hello a lot has changed since I last wrote, it really has been an age since I've posted on my blog - I apologise. There are a few...

Jun 22, 2019
A Christmas miracle
HELLOOOOOO, well I firstly would like to apologise for not blogging in a rather long time! Events just took over me really (we will chat...

Oct 7, 2018
Remembering Collette
They say that people come into your life for a reason and she certainly brought light and laughter into my life even though she had...

Sep 23, 2018
Autumn and what I’m looking forward to!
I absolutely love autumn,my favourite season (apart from Christmas), beautifully coloured trees, crisp but dry sunny days, lovely walks,...

Sep 3, 2018
We are having a baby..........
We are having a baby ................ GIRL! She is due in January 2019 and we can’t wait! We have been waiting for our 20 week scan to...