
Dec 20, 2021
Blogmas : A Henley Christmas
We are visiting my mums this year quite early with my brothers shift pattern and just trying to fit everything in, we decided that was...

Jun 20, 2021
My love of all things Harry Potter
My love of the Harry Potter series started in my childhood with the books! For the first time I found a set of books that I found I could...

Mar 10, 2018
Being an Influencer - a cautionary tale
So I read an article today about an Instagram influencer and I was shocked by what I read. This woman was working in a great job in PR so...

Sep 4, 2017
Autumn & Winter-Isle of Wight
So as most of you will know my lovely in-laws live in the Isle of Wight and we often visit them. We go at different times of the year and...

Jul 3, 2017
Mini Holiday Primark Haul
So as many of you will know by now.....I’M GOING TO ITALY IN MAY!! Ok sorry about the yelling but I’m slightly excited-if you hadn’t...

Jun 24, 2017
Valentines Day in the Isle of Wight
Valentine's Day was my 5 months post transplant anniversary, so we were celebrating both. We went out for a Valentine's Day lunch at...

Jun 18, 2017
Belated double birthday in Bath and at the Footy
We were celebration a double Birthday weekend away in Bath and combined it with a football match in Aston Villa. It was a great weekend,...

Jun 18, 2017
Look Book-Italy
My Look Book may not be as glamorous as some of these other bloggers and vloggers but I tried to look as glam as I could (and I did try...

Jun 18, 2017
What I ate-Italy Edition
Tuesday So where do I start? No seriously! There was so much food and it's hard to know what to try first. We arrived about lunchtime...

Jun 10, 2017
Lake Como-Italy
I have always wanted to go to Italy, let me just say, it didn't disappoint and I can't wait to go back. I haven't been on holiday since...