
Jul 31, 2017
MUA Rusted Wonder Palette
So I went into Superdrug.......BAD idea!! I knew as soon as I went to the makeup section and started looking I would find palettes that I...

Jul 31, 2017
Smokey Midnight Eye Look
Ok.........just going to say this now before people start saying you're doing this wrong with your're doing that...

Jul 30, 2017
My weight lose journey begins....
OMG! I got the biggest shock of my life when my mum suggested I buy this calorie counter book, which shows me what I've been eating. I...

Jul 22, 2017
Getting to know me A to Z
So I saw another blogger do this recently and I thought what a great idea for a blog. So here goes my one, as truthful and forthcoming as...

Jul 22, 2017
Fantastic Beast and where to find them........Finally seen it!!
So when I heard that there was going to be a new film in the Harry Potter World, I think I squealed quite a bit. Unfortunately I found...

Jul 22, 2017
Whats in my handbag this Winter....
Firstly I know my handbag is actually for hand luggage when going on an aeroplane but I can honestly say this handbag is great because it...

Jul 22, 2017
So ever since I was a little girl when I first saw the Titanic film, I wondered what it would have been like to have been on the Titanic...

Jul 17, 2017
Making my little piece of the Caribbean in Dorset....... and DIY!!!
So it's a New Year and one of my main resolutions for 2017 is to sort the house out. We moved in in February last nearly a...

Jul 17, 2017
Beating the January Blues and 50 things that make me happy
So January is probably the worse month for most people, with big credit card debt and that hangover from New Year's Eve not making it any...

Jul 10, 2017
Adventure with the Pharaohs (Egypt-2009)
This was our first holiday we went on together back in 2009 (before I was diagnosed.) I have always been fascinated by Pharaohs and...