Autumnal Pumpkin Risotto

I love cooking Autumnal/Fall dishes, they make me feel all cosy and warm. This dish was a bit of a hybrid, due to its mix of recipe combinations and my own personal decisions! Risotto is one of my favourite dishes to cook and my mushroom risotto is quite delicious (if I do say so myself!)
’Tis the season for Pumkin recipes so I gave it a go!
I cut them in half before reading that I should have actually peeled and cubed them instead (that’s the risotto with the chunks in.) Anyway I popped the half’s into the oven covered in olive oil and let them sloooooowwwwwly cook for quite a while.
10 ‘ourssss laterrrrr (Said in a French accent-then it makes sense!)
I (actually hubby took them out because he works from home-I was still at work at this point!) and then he put them into the slow cooker to get even more gooey! I then made a normal risotto base (onions and garlic fried in the pan first, then added the rice and then the stock-stirrrrrrrr a lot!)
And finally I scooped out all the roasted pumpkin from the skins and added to the risotto base and let it gently simmer until the rice went orange! I wish I had added some herbs in as in the end it was quite a subtle flavour (I’m not really known for subtle in anything, especially cooking, I like big flavours, anyone who’s tasted my chilli can vouch). I have to say it was lovely though, I might use a different cheese though as I think it was a bit strong, I think a milder Italian cheese would work better (I think I had strength 4!)
Overall a success!
PS. Stay tuned for Autumnal, Halloween decorations and more posts throughout October as I decorate my house!