
Jun 30, 2017
My late Dad
So I lost my Dad in 2009 when I was 23 years old after 4 years of bravely battling cancer, multiple myeloma which caused kidney failure....

Jun 30, 2017
Becoming an Advocate for Organ Donation
I am so excited and proud to tell everyone that I have become Advocate for Live Life Give Life Charity which is an amazing charity that...

Jun 24, 2017
My Donor Family Letter
So this was the hardest letter I have ever had to write. It was something that I had tried to do so many times but I never felt I had got...

Jun 24, 2017
Valentines Day in the Isle of Wight
Valentine's Day was my 5 months post transplant anniversary, so we were celebrating both. We went out for a Valentine's Day lunch at...

Jun 24, 2017
What a Year 2016......Round up of the years events
So this year has been a bit of a crazy year with some amazing things happening and some not so great things. Well I thought we would do a...

Jun 23, 2017
BLOGMAS....Day 24 Look Book (bit late-soz)
I decided to do a look book through out Blogmas to show some of my out fits. They won't all be festive and some will be for illustration...

Jun 22, 2017
BLOGMAS...Day 23 New Year Prince Charming and Cinderella Photo shoot
This is a going to be a very short blog as it's way past my bed time being a Princess, I have to be careful as I might change back into...

Jun 22, 2017
BLOGMAS...Day 22 Kirstie's Handmade Christmas review (ep3)
Anbrian (unsure of spelling)- degree in jewelry design, metal decoration made of copper and brass with rivet hinges, Nutcracker and...

Jun 22, 2017
BLOGMAS...Day 21 Making and decorating a ginger bread house
So you may think that's not really the Pinterest look, well no (not sure who all the these professional Pinterester's are but this is my...

Jun 22, 2017
BLOGMAS...,Day 20 Christmas Eve Box (of goodies)
So you probably have heard of these, they vary from each one. So a Christmas Eve box is a box fun things to do, play, wear, eat and...