Homemade Chicken & Leek Pie

I really love pie and mash, but I wanted to try and make my own. To start with, I bought puff pastry because I don't have the time, skills to make puff pastry or to be honest the patients to faff about that much when I can just roll it out! (shocking I know!)
I then started with the chicken and Pancetta which would give me a lovely smoky flavour. I then added Leeks chopped up and then added a bit of butter, salt and pepper. I think I next added cream and wholegrain mustard and let that simmer. I did add a few herbs and a little sachet of extra seasonings to really get the best, rich flavour to make it really flavoursome.
I then lay the sheet of puff pastry on a oven tray and cut it into 6 pieces. Doing it this meant we could have more the next day and also create equal pieces easy to split. Most importantly though, no soggy bottoms for me!!!Nothing worse than a soggy bottom! Ok I'll stop!
I then made my mash and added more butter and cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeee! Yes lots of cheese I love cheese mash! I cooked some veg to serve with it! I then served it on my special plates I painted! It's going definitely be one that I do more and I can vary the flavour like chicken and mushroom instead.
Although I did have a mild panic because weirdy a lot of the ready to roll pastries were recalled after thought they could have Salmonella literally the week I had bought it. Seriously though the one time in the year I bought it gets recalled......lucky mine was not affect and wasn't on the list.
Anyway ToodlesXX