Easter Bonnets and Egg Hunts

This was phoebe‘s first Easter bonnet! I had made a felt bird for something else! And then sewed on the yellow and white flowers and ribbon! It was so cute and she loved it!

She really enjoyed wearing and playing in the garden and I took some adorable pics of her!

This year I found a different colour and I knew I had pink ribbon at home so I knew that was going to be the theme and Phoebe wanted a “mingo” so I made her one out of felt and then I sewed on the flowers too!

I wanted to have a little bunny tail at the back and it just looks cute! I also have the elastic from the bunny tail to see on to keep the hat On!

I’ve not taken the flowers off the other one because I’d quite like to keep it!

Any way I can’t wait to take some pics of her in this new one! All the details was at the back on her 1st one but I wanted to have details on the front this time too!
She will look very cute doing Easter Egg hunts wearing her wings and running about In parks etc!

She found a gaint golden egg! A unicorn and an egg! She ran all round the place with her cousins! They helped her by pointing out some of her eggs!

The Easter Bunny brought P a big Easter basket. The Easter Bunny was quite generous this year. They brought an Easter Minnie Mouse and Fairy wings!

P loved it and was so happy with her Easter treats!
Happy Easter to all! I haven‘t lost sight of why we celebrate Easter but I think P’s not quite sure how it’s all related with an Easter Bunny and Jesus! Hmmmmm!