
Aug 5, 2018
Isle of Wight-Summer
Summer on the island is very different, there are lots of fun things to do like the zoo, Amazon World, Blackgang Chine, The Needles...

Jul 15, 2018
7th Wedding anniversary
On our 7th Wedding anniversary we decided that we weren’t going to do anything too big as we have got something coming up which is going...

Jun 19, 2018
Why I’d never be a beauty blogger
Ok so yes the first thing to point out when I do my make-up is I’m literally guessing what I’m doing! The second is I’m not one of these...

Jun 19, 2018
Summer walk
We decided that because it was such as nice day we would go for a walk. I had always wanted to go to the Blue Pool and I had a quick look...

May 25, 2018
Escape to the Chateau (& DIY) Review
I loved watching this program and it was great watching Dick and Angel working on their French chateau. Dick was an engineer in the Army...

May 12, 2018
Bank holiday
Bank holidays in England are notorious for having miserable weather and we braced ourselves for typical summer weather (rain and one...

Apr 29, 2018
Dealing with negative people and cutting them out
Again not my usual post but I felt it was important to address. This might sound rather dramatic and to a degree it is but I think I’ve...

Apr 22, 2018
The theory of Mini New Yorker
So some people may wonder why I’m soooooo weird or why I’m obsessed with Downton Abbey? BTW I prefer quirky! Anyway I have all those...

Apr 14, 2018
Anxiety and chronic illness
So not my normal bubbly post, but I thought I would share something that probably not many of you would know. When I was ill, when my...

Apr 2, 2018
Emotional shopping trip!
So I was just out shopping and something just happened that made me really emotional. So while my hubby was trying on some jeans in the...