Embracing my love of Disney
I’ve always loved Disney but suddenly finding out that it is now acceptable to enjoy Disney as an adult and actually there are thousands of adults who Disne—fy their own homes and can wear Disney merch at any time of the year is just music to my ears! (#disneyears ) HaHa! I feel bad for my hubby because my daughter and I have now formed a Disney alliance and we want to get loads of Disney stuff for when we move!
I also need to break it to him I want our Christmas tree to be Disney themed this year! So I think this has been perpetuated by organising P‘s Postponed birthday Princess themed party from last year! Firstly realising that hiring a princess may not be a goer due to the cost! However either buying or renting a Belle costume might be even more fun anyway! Now to break the news to hubby he’s also got dress up! haha! who am I kidding any excuse………

So I’ve been a Cinderella previously for New Years Eve but who thought I would be dressing up again!

So I’ve also got back into watching @brummymummyof2 who goes to Disney as their family trips each year! (Definitely going to start saving for our first trip!) You might say she’s a Disney Guru! I also follow @angiebellemare who has a disney house in Florida and has a massive disney collection (including Disney themed Christmas trees!) yes plural!
So Asda and Primark have made it soooooooooooooo easy to enable my Disney obsession and make it become a reality in my own home!
So I’m going to do a little trip to Asda today to get some inspiration for the new house (when we find one)

Ok so I may have got carried away! So I have seen a Mickey chopping board on Angie’s vlogs so I‘ve wanted it for ages! I then saw some cute baking tins and cookies cutters and a cute roasting dish!
The other stuff is for P’s Easter Basket! I saw the little plush and I had to get it as we are buying her different ones for different seasons! The Hawaiian one is from Primark, the Halloween (they were for her birthday and Christmas last year) and Christmas one is Shopdisney and the tiny Minnie is primark I think for her first Christmas (her 2nd one actually but she born early and arrived before Christmas!)

I want her to have a giant collection when she’s older! I have just found the most amazing one!

We are also collecting Disney Ears too!

I went to Disney World when I was 17 and I met Mickey! I was a little awkward (I wanted to enjoy it but I was like should I be at my age! I did anyway! )

I have just found the Mickey which matches this Mickey Visit in 2003 (I may have cried!)

I was looking up a wizard Mickey really out of curiosity and it’s the Fantasia Mickey (my Granny bought me the Video tape when I was younger and I remember just being in awe of the music and the animation! ) Who would have that a Mickey chopping board would have sparked this little journey I’ve been on!
Also when I was in foster care I guess I was taken to Disneyland Paris and we did the Jungle Cruise Boat ride, I had a memory or an image in my head but I thought it must have been from a film as I couldn’t place it before now. It was only when I saw the boat on Instagram of another user I realised I must have been on it! What a crazy discovery 27 years later! Then watching the Jungle Cruise just brought all back even more! I‘ve also found a Jungle Cruise Minnie too!

I also remember the first Disney films I saw were 101 Dalmatians and Pocahontas at my local cinema back home! I wanted to have long black hair for ages and I had purple Pocahontas leggings that I loved! I want to create lovely memories like this for Phoebe! Her first cinema trip (She’s not been yet-Disney plus is a godsend though!) All the new films plus the classics and shows from the parks to prepare her! Lol!

Anyway we will start saving but in the meantime I will Disney to us! Who would have thought buying a chopping board would take me on such a journey and Disney has been a love of mine way back when I was in foster care!