
Jul 3, 2022
Making a personalised chess set
So I have made several presents for my my Father in Law over the years. I really struggle to think of new ideas.......... I remember him...

Jan 22, 2022
Dream Board
I have a lot of dreams I want to for-fill in my life time and I want to leave a wonderful legacy for my daughter. I want her to look...

Jan 1, 2022
Chateau Diaries Advent 2020
Firstly, disclaimer I watch all the regular Vlogs and I find a lot of the topics fascinating. Stephanie is the Chatelaine from Chateau...

Jan 1, 2022
Blogmas: Wiggles Nativity
Phoebe‘s first Nativity and it’s was so nice to see her on stage! We were so excited! She had been practicing for months and she would...

Dec 1, 2021
Blogmas: Advent
It’s finally here and I feel sooooooo unprepared (not sure how!) Advent calendars are quite a big thing in our house! We have two...

Oct 22, 2021
Writing and illustrated a book for my toddler
They say when you have children that they are your best source of inspiration. They would be right! Last year I was looking at purchasing...

Oct 17, 2021
Teapot Debacle
Firstly this is a very British problem, don’t mess with a British person’s tea! Who would have thought trying to get one teapot would...

Aug 8, 2021
A Very Charming Christmas Town
A travel blogger & vlogger visits the most Christmassy town/village in America. Aubrey is very sceptical about this very festive Danish...

Jul 20, 2021
Christmas at Dollywood
So I saw someone ask about this film on ONE-yes I’m on more than one Christmas group. There was a lot of negativity about the film. I...

Jul 2, 2021
Christmas film review: Help for the Holidays
When a Christmas elf is sent to bring Christmas cheer to a family who lost the Christmas joy after owning a Christmas shop. Eeeek! I hope...