
Sep 28, 2020
Sunflower Landyard and what they mean....
So as many of you know I’m an advocate for raising awareness of Organ Donation, Kidney Disease/ failure and my story. So when I was ill,...

Sep 25, 2020
Home Bargains Christmas range
So I didn’t go in unfortunately as still shielding (bar going out for walks) so hubby kindly took these pics for my blog! With the news...

Sep 10, 2020
John Lewis Christmas Themes
So it is 4.21am on a Thursday morning and I have just bought my first box of Christmas chocolates and I thought I will check out the...

Sep 1, 2020
ChristmasCon Virtual 2020
So what is ChristmasCon I hear you ask well, it’s an Event put on by That's4Entertainment and the stars of the Hallmark Christmas...

Aug 20, 2020
Autumn is coming...
Thank goodness the weather is starting to change because this heat has been unbearable for me! I also enjoy the cooler weather because it...

Aug 10, 2020
Update on starting up my Christmas Shop
So guys exciting news, I’ve had some extra funds approved to help me get closer to my target. I’m so excited as it’s now really starting...

Jul 29, 2020
The Great British Christmas
So as most of you know I am British. I love Christmas and obviously I love my country’s traditions (some are a bit quirky-I guess that’s...

Jul 21, 2020
Review of Once Upon a Christmas Miracle
This film is just an amazing story which is based on a real story of Heather Krueger and Chris Dempsey and their amazing story. Heather...

Jul 14, 2020
My New Christmas Tree
Today I got my new Christmas Tree, it’s a slim tree. I picked a slim one to fit in my mini office. I’ve decorated it with all my handmade...

Jul 13, 2020
Decorating My Christmas Emporium office.
Hello festive friend, I’ve been doing many different projects and I’m half way through most of them but I did finish Decoupaging my side...