A disastrous day......everything went wrong

So do you ever get those days where absolutely nothing goes right and everything you do that day goes wrong, no matter how careful or sensible you are? Yep well that day was yesterday for me.
It started off having to go to my diabetes check up at the hospital which I have to say isn't my favourite hospital appointment but any way I went to it and then got told the news that I had not been wanting to hear and that we had tried to avoid since being diagnosed with diabetes after having my kidney transplant (all due to the medication I am now on - suppressing my immune system to stop my body rejecting my kidney.) So I was told that I now have to inject insulin (crying face) - luckily it's only a top up to counteract my medication as my own baseline is OK but it just struggles with the sugary medication now. So that wasn't a good start because I had worked hard on my diet but needs must. So we got to the hospital for 9.15 and we didn't leave till about 12.30 after waiting for the pharmacy to get my insulin ready and then I had to talk to the dietitian about hypos that I may now be at risk from. So I had to learn what I will need to eat to prevent this and what food I should be having with every meal. So from going from reducing my sugar levels and reducing my carbs, I now have to include them in all meals as well as carry extra sugary snacks and cereal bars just in case I now have a hypo (talk about opposites!)
Then we tried to drive home and as we got halfway home the car literally died going up a hill - bloody brilliant! I had stupidly come out without my medication because I thought I would be back pretty quick.....how wrong was I? So I called a fabulous friend who was my knight in shining armour, who was able to come and rescue me so I could have my medication. I then had to wait an hour to eat food so by the time this had all gone on I had missed a whole day at work. What a bloody disaster! My hubby got collected by the RAC at 6pm after calling them at about 1pmish. I was absolutely livid and the RAC man at the call centre got an earful! While I had been waiting to actually get through to someone at the RAC I had made a lovely tagine dinner for my hubby who hadn't had any food since 8am that morning. So I thought I would surprise him with a lovely dinner...........well yeh that didn't go to plan............. noooooooooopppppppeeeee!!

I had browned the meat (Quorn actually because that's all we actually had) and then poured that into my new tagine which was a Christmas present and I was just checking on the soaking chickpeas and then I heard this almighty crash and the base of the tagine had smashed into loads of pieces. I stood staring at it in amazement. I wanted to cry but I was still in shock, I then used a few choice words and just then the RAC man answered literally just as that happened so I was livid by this point (I'm sure steam was literally coming out of my ears!) Needless to say I gave him an absolute earful and I just wanted to cry at this point.

I was also meant to be going out half an hour after all of this, I did my makeup in about 5 minutes and got changed in about 5 minutes and then ate dinner in about 5 minutes, I think that was the quickest turnaround ever, thank god for dry shampoo!! I did have a nice evening with my friend though and we had a few cheeky mocktails which were delicious!! I had a Pina Colada and another one - I forget what it was called. It was lovely!

Tomorrow is a new day,
Toodles XX