
Dec 15, 2017
Blogmas Day 15: Renal Ward Stockings
Christmas in the hospital in my Christmas pudding onesie! Christmas in hospital on the renal ward. Having Christmas dinner on the ward!...

Dec 14, 2017
Blogmas Day 14: Christmas Shops (all year round)
So I have a slightly weird hobby or obsession that I like to do when I am going to different places. I love to find all year round...

Dec 13, 2017
Blogmas Day 13 : Wishing for a white Christmas
So this festive season I really wanted to have a white Christmas, however living in Dorset means that snow is going to be rare....

Dec 12, 2017
Blogmas Day 12 : Most likely to Christmas Edition!
Most likely to: Eat all the Christmas chocolate before Christmas dinner: That would be hubby although I would enjoy having a few...

Dec 11, 2017
Blogmas Day 11: Festive winter walk
We had a bit of a hectic weekend last weekend and I felt like I needed to unwind and get out into some fresh air and somewhere calming....

Dec 10, 2017
Blogmas Day 10: Finally decorating our tree - Felicitree
So this year it has definitely taken me a lot longer to get round to decorating our tree! I know -shocking! Most of my friends were very...

Dec 9, 2017
Blogmas Day 9: My Festive Favourites
These are a few of my Festive favourite things throughout the festive season. I’ve really enjoyed December and got a lot of things that...

Dec 8, 2017
Blogmas Day 8: Joining the WI
So as a Christmas treat to my self I decided that I would finally bite the bullet and actually take steps to join a WI! I had been...

Dec 7, 2017
Blogmas Day 7: Pyrography gifts
So I had wanted to try Pyrography for a while now and I thought I would give it a go this Christmas to create a lovely personalised gifts...

Dec 6, 2017
Blogmas Day 6: Lucky Dip Box
Christmas is a time when spending money can go slightly crazy and the amount of money that you spend on people can quickly add up to...