Blogmas Day 4: Festive reading list
So Christmas is a great time of year to get into a good book as well as pull out some of your favourites that are your go to books for ideas on crafts and food! I have my favourite books which I get out each year like my beautiful Kirsty Allsopp-Kirstie’s Christmas Crafts which I love love love for all my festive craft ideas! I’ve made her chutney (needed to take out a small mortgage with all the bloody ingredients), lemoncello (another small mortgage), Advent calendar, cracker making, homemade cards, stocking and other crafts too! Yes just a note if you want to make homemade gifts not the cheapest especially Kirsties versions!

This is a label I designed which is a little bear and mouse sat by a Christmas tree and it’s called: The big brown bear and the little white mouse Christmas Chutney (bit of a mouthful-actually a delicious mouthful though)

My lovely little stocking but not much bloody fits in it, so for more decorative purposes!

My lovely award winning Advent Calendar (2nd place in the Dorset County Show)

However my new favourite book that I got for my first Kidney Transplant anniversary is Tanya Burr-Tanya’s Christmas and this is just stunning and it make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! Christmas traditions are so important to me, as I didn’t get Christmas presents while I was in foster care, so I definitely make up for that time in my childrenhood now! Her book is literally how I would do mine, if I ever get the Chance! It’s just lovely and a great coffee table book as well as fascinating read. My copy is actually signed by Tanya too which is lovely touch. It’s really a how to...... for Christmas but it’s also got lovely little family stories of Christmas past too! So my family have some funny stories like when my uncles had asked to past the bread rolls but then decided to lob the rolls and then it just turned into a bread roll fight! It was epic and hilarious and it still makes me laugh when I think about it now!

I also have my go to cookbooks, I have recently had to purchase the SlimmingWorld Christmas cookbooks so I can lose my last 1.5lbs and keep them off after Christmas! However as much as I have complained about missing out on Christmas food I made the yummiest turkey risotto with 5 spiced instead of saffron (because I don’t money to burn-well hopefully not if I keep stirring!)

I also loved reading my Christmas magazines and getting a look at the festive trends-not that I follow them as I just do my own thing!

Such a lot of lovely crafting idea in these magazines which is nice and great to get some fresh ideas. I also have my Christmas board on Pinterest, I think it’s definitely my biggest board but I think that’s another post!
Any way sorry it’s sooooooo late but I had a doctors appointments and theres just so much to do!

Best way to enjoy Tanya Burrs Christmas Book is in a nice soak bath with my new advent bath bomb and a glass of non alcoholic mulled wine!
Toodles my little mince piesXX