Blogmas Day 6: Lucky Dip Box
Christmas is a time when spending money can go slightly crazy and the amount of money that you spend on people can quickly add up to hundreds of pounds which definitely doesn’t help with the January blues - we certainly came a cropper after last Christmas.
So after much deliberation with hubby we decided we would follow in my uncle’s footsteps and do a lucky dip box as our present to everyone this year.

So how it works is: we counted up the amount of people including my uncle’s dog and multiplied it by five (five presents per person, plus dog) with a limit of £1 per present which totals £75, meaning we needed to buy the same number of presents. This was a bit of a challenge and saw us making multiple trips to Poundland and The Range as it wasn’t feasible to buy them all in one go. Can you imagine the queue behind me - the most hated person in Dorset haha!
We bought many different fun and silly presents, which we hope people will find amusing! Back in the day we all used to dive into the box to grab a present at the same time, then there would be a manic bout of present-swapping and convincing people to trade with you, leading to some lively negotiations!
Some years we had tin foil, freezer bags, dog treats ... you could literally end up with anything! When we were little we would always end up sitting in the box after the raids had finished. Clearly we don’t attempt this now, with there being a high risk of us getting stuck and the fire brigade being called to rescue us lol! ❤️❤️ No getting any ideas ladies (and gents) haha!

This year we have bought a mixture of sensible and silly/prank presents, they include Gingerbread Man bath bombs, selfie phone lenses and some interesting head gear! Plus of course the obligatory golden coins which are always a Christmas staple for us every year.
By doing this, this year we will hopefully be in a better situation in January. It’s great fun, raucous and fast-paced too!
It’s definitely something I want to continue in future years.
I can’t give any more away otherwise it would spoil the surprise.
Toodles my little chocolate coins xxxx