Blogmas Day 7: Pyrography gifts

So I had wanted to try Pyrography for a while now and I thought I would give it a go this Christmas to create a lovely personalised gifts that really mean a lot to my family! So I had never done it before, but wanted to pick gifts that represent the person.
I first attempted to Pyrography a wooden spoon (big mistake trying to do it on a curved surface.)

I think my favourite things I’ve made was my sign that I have my made for my Father in Law and my Hubbies crate!

I really enjoyed making both of the these Christmas gifts! I designed what I wanted on both and drew it on there to make it easier.

I did the crate after my first pyrography pen broke right before I needed to do my Hubbies crate which was sooooo annoying! After a long wait I got my second pen and I could complete my present to hubby!
I also made hubby a little personalised Advent Calendar present which I think will give home on the last day! I bought it from Poundland and it’s a little Phone stand and it was great to pyro because it wasn’t as sappy as the pine crate!

With this one I added a little mouse to the design and tried to match it closely to his Christmas present! I had so much fun designing these gift and totally would recommend it! I am glad I didn’t burn down the house either or burn my self or melt anything around me for that matter! Result! I totally recommend this craft too!

Toodles my little BaublesXX