My New Christmas Tree
Today I got my new Christmas Tree, it’s a slim tree. I picked a slim one to fit in my mini office. I’ve decorated it with all my handmade decorations. They are little snapshots of my Christmas story but now I want to create decorations for others to enjoy, and buy once I’ve set up my Christmas shop! I’m working on designs now and I’m giving myself a year to get all my handmade decorations made! It’s important for me to feel inspired by my space I’m working in and as I don’t have my mini studio shed yet, I’m making the best of the situation and I’ve put it up in my office which is also our hall! Once I do get enough to fund my little studio it will be moved into there!

I’m happy with my handmade decorations but I want to try out new designs and start building up collections, I’m playing around with a few new ideas currently! Watch this space!

See you soon My Festive FriendXx