Fundraising to create a Magical Christmas for children in care.
Firstly I should probably explain why I’m doing this as you mostly know me for my kidney journey to transplant. What some of you may not know is that life for me didn’t start out that great. When I was three I was taken away from my biological parents at age 3 under a police emergency protection order. I remember then moving 6/7 times and I never had any real Christmases to speak of. I remember how painful it was seeing the other children of the foster parents getting and opening presents and that feeling never leaves you. So when I was adopted and I had my first Christmas at 8 years old I felt the most amazing feeling, I would probably say it was very similar to when I woke up from my transplant and I felt a million dollars! I’m not sure I can even really describe how amazing it was! I got a Mega Dream House and it was pink and turquoise and fast-forwards to now being a mum and all those old emotions resurfaced and I want to create memories for my own daughter but I also wanted other foster children/children in care never to feel like I did before I was adopted. So while everyone was sleeping a few nights ago, my brain does its normal thing of not switching off till I had written my ideas down. So at 4.00 in the morning I decided for my 35th birthday I didn’t want presents but I wanted people to donate so I can throw a children’s home a Christmas party with all the food and presents I can buy! I set up a GoFundMe page and I shared it on my Facebook and several people have already donated! So I’ve got till March next year to raise so I’ve got plenty of time but I feel very strongly about this and showing children in care people do care and they shouldn't be written off just because of their backgrounds and they are all special and all deserve to celebrate Christmas like all the other children and young adults!
So this will also explain why I love Christmas/ I am slightly obsessed with Christmas because it just brings me so much joy. I love to give presents and see the joy on other people’s faces-especially if it’s a gift I’ve made. I also will be giving my normal Renal Ward stockings for the women’s ward and gifts for my renal team and GP too.
Right I’m hoping I also have some more exciting news at the end of Jun/ July to update you all on (no-not pregnancy before you all start guessing!)
P.S I’m still weaving and will be for some time on this project!
see you all soon my Festive Friends Xx