A Christmas miracle

HELLOOOOOO, well I firstly would like to apologise for not blogging in a rather long time! Events just took over me really (we will chat about that later!)
So where have I been I hear you ask? Well basically I had been in and out of hospital, being monitored for pre-eclampsia, which I ended up having. There was a lot of back and forth (and more back and forth) between the Renal team and the Maternity team, whether it was just my kidney transplant struggling or whether it was my body struggling causing pre-eclampsia. Any way I had to stay in and then after deciding I was not going to get to the 28th induction date I would have a C section which I have to say was the most calm and serene operation/procedure I’ve ever had done! We had Michael Bubles Christmas album on which bizarrely was the Christmas concert we went to in 2014 when my kidneys failed the second time (that weekend) so going from that concert with totally failure to now post transplant and about to have our first baby felt like we had come full circle.
So the little lady her self, She came out with loads of hair and cried really well, she was very very pink but a good weight at 6lbs 8oz so she was a good size. My hubby popped his head over to see her being take out which he said was amazing! She was quickly cleaned up and checked over and then brought back to me within seconds! It was the most amazing experience! I cried and just kept saying oh my god over and over! I am now the proud mummy to my beautiful baby daughter Phoebe Imogen! She is the most beautiful bundle of joy and Christmas miracle and gift I could ever have. She was born on the 14th December at 11.19 and she is just perfect.
After a day or so we moved to the special care unit as she was born at 35 weeks +2 days so we had to get up to her 36 weeks. It was touch and go whether we could be home for Christmas but I’m happy to say we had her home and we settled into family life as a family of 3! We had a pre-ordered Christmas dinner from M & S (shop in uk) that had all the food pre-done ready to go (just had to bung it in the oven-definitely way to go, rather than faffing loads and making everything from scratch!) We spent the rest of December and into January relaxing and getting to grips with baby grows and nappies and feeding! Although there’s been sleepless nights and me accidentally falling and dislocating my arm we’ve just really slipped into being parents really well and I think because we have wanted this for so long and been through so much nothing could make us complain because we have our Christmas miracle and best Christmas present ever! My transplant hasn’t just saved my life and but it has give new life to Phoebe and we will never forget the brave decision my donor and his family made to save someone else’s life and now bring new life in to!
Toodles XX