Teapot Debacle
Firstly this is a very British problem, don’t mess with a British person’s tea! Who would have thought trying to get one teapot would have been so difficult ! So I ordered a teapot from Asda which was a really cute gingerbread house. The first thing is I thought it was a pot for one but I got a bit of a shock when it arrived …….. ummmmmm it’s the size of my bl***y biscuit tin! (Face plant!)

I immediately noticed that the lid looked like it had been made by a drunk potter! Not even close Asda! So, what do you do in this day and age when you have an issue like a wonky teapot? I tweeted Asda and told them that there maybe a tiny issue, just a small fact that I can’t actually use my teapot as a teapot! I mean I’m not asking for much to actually be able to pour tea from my teapot without running the risk of getting boiling hot tea all over the kitchen counter and myself!
They re-ordered me one but then unfortunately they seemed to have been a shortage of decent drivers so I’m guessing from the state of my teapot they started hiring rally drivers for “quick delivery“ because as it was about to arrive it was “broken/lost!“ I mean Asda you might not want to use that “driver“ again! Apparently it smashed before the driver had got it! I’m not stupid I’ve seen Tiktok‘s where drivers just lob it over fences or play footy with it up the driveway…… just sayin‘ or maybe he was playing a giant game of Jenga /timber (you get the idea!)
So they reordered it again and this time they decided to hire drivers who don’t even take the parcel out of the van and can’t figure out how to open a door! Brilliant it’s just getting silly now!
So then they ordered me a re-delivery and that time nobody even showed up! So I gave up and drove to Asda to get the replacement one but that was an issue because they all seemed to have a wonky lid! Luckily I found one which had it the least wonky lid! Unfortunately this isn’t the first time I’ve come across a wonky teapot issue at Asda I also had a unicorn teapot with a wonky lid which couldn’t be replace so I had to go and hunt for that!
You may say that’s a lot of effort to get one teapot but……

Look how cute is this one? I do collect teapots! I’ve seen a Christmas pudding teapot from Asda too but not sure I want to risk it! I do have my eye on the Mickey Mouse Christmas biscuit tin as well soooooo cute! To be fair to Asda they have given me voucher’s for my bad experience and P‘s Halloween costume arrived with no issues so who knows why this teapot caused so much drama! Storm in a teacup and all that!
So who wants to join me in my Christmas Cabin for a festive cup of tea and mince pie to finally enjoy it? I feel like it needs a grand ceremony or unveiling or something!
My other wonky one is now a display teapot on my big dresser by my handmade painted Christmas plates and my nativity!

So that’s teapot debacle (only a British person could have a whole situation about a teapot-face plant!)
Right off to enjoy my teapot ! XX
(yes I am fully aware my Halloween/fall/autumn decorations and Christmas decorations are crossing over and I’m not sorry about it!)