Blogmas: Advent
It’s finally here and I feel sooooooo unprepared (not sure how!)
Advent calendars are quite a big thing in our house! We have two handmade ones, one wooden one, an advent candle which I don’t really want to burn, a traditional card one, with pictures behind it and then I receive a Christmas card Advent Calendar.
I love counting down although I’ve definitely had about 6 melt downs and 5 of those were me! Lol! P wanted more of her Advent this morning! So that was a bit of a battle at 7am! Also hands up who forgot the elves were visiting and had to get up at 6am to “welcome them in“ !
Phoebe got a moo free Advent Calendar which went down well!

I think last year the elves helped bring toys and presents for her advent presents but this year it will definitely be more about the sweets because the elves realised it’s a lot to bring with them!

So here is Phoebe with her Advent Calendar shortly after she was trying to open all the doors!

So I think her elves will bring more activities to do than presents this year as I had, had a discussion with Santa about lasts years Elf review! He agreed making/baking is better for this year!
Toodles Festive FriendsXX