A Very Charming Christmas Town
A travel blogger & vlogger visits the most Christmassy town/village in America. Aubrey is very sceptical about this very festive Danish village. She sees it as a tourist trap but as she gets to know the place she definitely warms to the place.

Aubrey has a bit of a run-in with the tour guide but then has to be shown all the village’s best shops and places to visit by him. She thinks that the “Festive town“ is a tourist trap because she doesn’t believe the town‘s Christmas spirit is real thinks it’s just for tourists! She becomes a bit unstuck by this later on!

She stays in the very Christmasy B&B and the hosts are so sweet and so it definitely makes me think of my own dreams of owning my own Christmas Inn (one day!) The Inn is beautiful and so charming which they captured well!
I think I’m just watching all these Christmas movie to “borrow“ some of their ideas for my own Christmas farm and Inn one day! I don’t want to give all my ideas away but they definitely have some great ideas!

This is why I want my log cabin to be these colours (it’s actually red and white which looks pretty) I want to make mine sparkly though (of course-I mean its me, I want it sparkly on the inside too!)

Aubrey visits a very Danish Christmas shop run by a lady called Ester. She has Nisses in her store and she tells Aubrey that they protect farmland all year round but at Christmastime they come out to play and they can be a bit mischievous. (unfortunately in the U.K. they just get called gnomes which isn’t right!) The tradition is from many of the Scandinavian countries.
This film shows some of the Danish Christmas traditions and I find It fascinating and lovely to learn new tradition from other cultures!
They also hang paper hearts which I believe they put sweets or Candy in for you non British friends! You can see a giant one in this scene! They are called Julehjerter and they are made by many of the Scandinavian countries!

Their main Christmas dinner is on Christmas Eve, mostly roast pork or roast duck with lots of trimmings but the most interesting thing is their cold rice pudding with a hot cherry sauce and hidden in the rice pudding is an almond. Whoever finds it will get a price of a marzipan pig! (This reminded me of getting one in my stockings one or two Christmases! I did check with my mum about this, but it was just because I loved pigs and marzipan!)
She picks some stalk decorations, which is explained later why they are so important to the town! The town put storks on the roofs around the town because back in the middle ages flocks of storks would come to the coast of Denmark and nest on roofs, it then became a sign of good luck, they put them up now in the town as a sign of good luck and fertility, protection and love.

Aubrey begins to realise that there’s more meaning behind the town’s image and she knows it’s not a tourist trap!
Watching the film, got me asking my mum about her Christmases and what it was like. It sparked me basically interviewing her about her parents’ traditions and making me research my Christmas Heritage (Blog to follow!)
Back to the film Aubrey enjoys the town’s Christmas parade and takes lots of pictures for her article she’s writing!

It all is going well until she accidentally sends the wrong version of the article to her business partner which gets published! She ends up hurting all the people she’s been becoming friends with !

Before it was published they took part in a Nisse hunt! I love this idea! They use clues found around the town’s shops and cafes to try and solve the scavenger hunt! They took a beautiful carriage ride (on an old tram dolly).

She was confronted by Sawyer, she leaves and goes home and publishes the proper story. She returns to the carol in the square and she writes a Christmas song that gets performed at the service. It ends with them all gathered listening to the song! It’s actually a lovely song!

It ends with Aubrey and Sawyer kissing and promising to make their long distance relationship work! It was a nice film and lovely to learn more about Danish traditions! A little different to some of the other Christmas films!
Right, off to watch another one because I’ve soo many to work my way through!