My love of all things Harry Potter
My love of the Harry Potter series started in my childhood with the books! For the first time I found a set of books that I found I could really read and enjoy easily (being dyslexic but undiagnosed till later, I found some fonts more different to read). I fell in love with the books and that world, I had read Mallory Towers by Enid Blyton which I loved the idea of a boarding school and then when I discovered Harry Potter which had the magic element I was hooked. I remember the films being a really big deal as well as the new book releases! (I got this giant book to screen book for my 30th birthday and I love it!)

For me the films were great because they brought what I had imagined while reading the books alive! Although somethings were missing from the books or changed, the films did a great job! I have my eyes on the illustrated books too! I haven’t got any but they are on my wish list! I’ve wanted them for years, I remember seeing them in the River and Rowing Musuem and pointing them out to my Mum and that must be at least 5 years I would say If not longer!

The films became even more special when I got them from my Hubby, one Christmas.

Then when I had to do dialysis they really came into their own. I could watch a whole film which basically took up most of the session. They kept me sane while I had to do my treatment and sucked me into this magical place!

While I watched the films I forgot about what was happening to me and my treatment and the pain (physically and emotionally)- it was truly magical.

They became so special and then when I was able to go to Warner Brother Studio Tour London, once as a normal set and then again as it was dressed for Christmas and Hogwarts in the Snow (which was a post kidney transplant present from my brother-my perfect Red Letter day) it was just so magical.

I could appreciate the artistry and work each prop that was made (having done only a few props for a school play which took some time to make) not comparing just in awe of it all! They had 3 or 4 different types of snow and they literally hand sieved the “snow” on to the castle model it take 2/3 days to do and about a week to clear off!

This feast is what I want my Christmases to be like when we host Christmas soon (next house hopefully!) there was also a flaming Christmas pudding which if you didn’t already know Christmas pudding is my favourite and before my transplant I remember being told I wasn’t allowed any due to my kidney failure and for me that was the first thing post transplant I wanted to was eat all my favourite Christmas food!! When I have my Christmas Farm this is how I see my Christmas banquets going!

After I had my transplant I couldn’t watch the films for a while after, it was weird but I fell back in love with them after I had my daughter I think! I began followering a few Harry Potter Youtubers, Cherry Wallis and more recently Bradly Bakes who has done a whole series on how to make all the food in the illustrated books (which inspired me to do a meal Harry Potter themed-watch this space!) a few others like Victoria Maclean too!

Oh I should probably point out I’m a Griffindor but when I was ill I was Ravenclaw which I think is accurate- I’ve got the quirkyness of a Ravenclaw and the bravery/boldness of Gryffindor I think I’m a Ravendor -(not sure if that’s a thing!)
My hubby is a Hufflepuff (I made him take the test-he’s not a huge fan but has started to like it a bit more-even watches the films with me!) I also think he’s a Huffleclaw (Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw!)
If I had to pick houses, I would have a unicorn-unique, sweet/friendly and caring. A Bear-for bravery, bold, strong willed and a leader. A Mouse to represent calm/peaceful, gentle and strong bonds of friendships and a Squirrel-determind, takes leaps of faith, organised and playful amongst friend. I do want to make my own family crest so maybe I will design one!!
Ok I might have already designed my family crest! I think the animals represent us well!
Any way for me it’s the nostalgia of my childhood and the fact they took me away from all my treatments and now it’s cool (at school and college it wasn’t cool to like it well, not in my town where I grew up) ! For my 40th birthday (in 5 years time I want to go to the Wizarding World in Florida-best start saving) but for now I hope to go back to the Harry Potter Studio tour here in the U.K. soon! I’ve not seen it dressed for Halloween yet so that would cool!

Currently though when it was dressed for Christmas it was stunning and my favourite visit! They had the ‘ice’ sculptures from the Yule Ball and they were just beautiful! I loved all the Christmasy scenes particularly in the earlier films when it was shown! It didn’t disappoint! In my Christmas cabin I will have a HP ⚡️ section! I’ve love the Christmas decorations at the studio they are stunning (but expensive-hence why my collection is very small!) I made my own little HP decoration when I visited at Christmas in 2017 it was meant to be a snow globe in felt but it’s not as obvious until you go closer to it!

Here‘s my Harry Potter Christmas style mood board ! I’ve got my little Christmas mouse in there holding my Hogwarts letter! I was off to see Fantastic Beast very pregnant with my niffler!

The letter was made for me as gift and I will get it framed for my Log Cabin! I love the letter scene it was amazing to see how it was filmed, a lot of stuff was physically done with machines or robots rather than CGI obviously a part from the quidditch! I’m definitely going to get a picture of that this time! I also want to find Phoebe a cute HP dress as I will be wearing Harry Potter themed dress! You can see a tiny bit here!

I will also try and get (or print my own) I’m only here for the butterbeer T-shirt for Hubby as he actually really liked it when we went before!

And on that note I will leave with our obligatory butterbeer moustache image (you’re welcome!) Now you know why obsessed with Harry Potter!
“Thought you’d ought to know“ now if you understand that reference then we are HP friend!
Byeeeee Festive Friends Xx