My weight lose journey begins....

OMG! I got the biggest shock of my life when my mum suggested I buy this calorie counter book, which shows me what I've been eating. I had nooooooooooo idea how much I have actually been eating, I thought I had been picking healthy options but clearly..............I have not.
I think the problem is that I have got into a little muddle. I went from a kidney disease/dialysis diets where things that are meant to be good, I couldn't have because they were high in potassium and phosphates. Then I went onto a diabetes diet-trying to cutting out sugar after my kidney transplant and now I'm trying to reduce my calorie intake to lose weight. I feel like I'm trying to do my best but I'm really struggling.

I'm also a bit gutted that I got turned down for Slimming World free membership for 3 months because I'm not big enough (backwards compliment.) I know I have lost weight (my face is definitely slimmer) but I wish I had done it at Christmas when I was at my biggest (looking back I was massive-don't judge steroid MOON FACE.) Oh well, I'm seeing my doc's on Thursday and I hope I get some more advice on what more assistance/support I can get.

The other problem is that I have loved blogging about my food and cooking recently but I can still do this and just track my progress and make healthier/lower calorie meals. I have also decided that I am going to become nearly pescatarian (eat fish and not too much red meat, more chicken and turkey-like I would give my Christmas dinner up-Ha!)
I am going to really make sure I plan my meals with my meal planner so I don't have over my allowance of calories. I have reduced my calories to 1500 so I can lose weight more quickly. So no more just munching on random stuff or just snacking on everything. I find it very difficult because I constantly feel hungry because of my steroids-so just want to eat everything (no jokes about being so hungry I could eat a horse...please) and I get very hangry (I sometimes feel like I could just burst into tears-I feel that hungry or things start people start looking like giant cup cakes or a big wedge of cheese.) This was my lunch today, it was carrot and coriander soup and no toast because that adds quite a lot to the calories.

Weeks later.........oooooooooops!!!!

I decided to bite the bullet and sign up to Slimming World last night and joined a local group. I then woken up this morning and tried to start and get to grips with it all but there was no food in the house that I could start on, like breakfast stuff or lunch stuff......I got so hangry and then cried....! I then had some scrabbled egg on a piece of toast after more crying and a slight disagreement!!
Then I headed out to town but I don't think I had eaten enough so felt unwell and dizzy.....oops! I got home and had 2 wheetabix and some strawberry's-the strawberries were from Herefordshire and they were so sweet and yummy. I am having Slimming World cottage pie and spiralized squash (it was tastier than this pic looks.)

I think I had just panicked a bit this morning but I thought I have figured out a great way to fill full for longer......FRUIT, FRUIT and more FRUIT and loads of vegetables to keep me full up!! Gonna stuff my face........... hahaha #sorrynotsorry!! I'm just going to stuff my face with fruit and veg.......!!!

HOWEVER so this weekend was always going to be very hard to be good with the food because family are down so we wanted to take them out and enjoy some of our favourite places. I think I've done OK......I will find out on Thursday! It's like getting results for exams feel so nervous......did I pass?
We went to our favourite Gastro Pub where we take all our visitors and we have now found various other locations of the same pub group Hall and Woodhouse. We love it and we have found an even nicer one close by too-the posh one!! So any way, we had lunch and they all had pies and burgers and yummy things...............................
I got the chickpea burger.................................................actually it was delicious and I would have it again!! I didn't eat the bun (I had will power-shocking I know.)
On Saturday night we cooked a Slimming world Paella which was delicious actually pleasantly surprised I did resist the American pancake stack that I was really looking forward to.................(crying face)! I did have a English breakfast. Those pancake were my families choices salted caramel and pretzels. They also had a smoothies which looked delicious but I would have had to syn it (also cry face)!!

So my first weekend on Slimming World I think went OK..........!!! This was on my first Slimming World this space I hope I get my cheek bones back and I don't need to contour as much....Hahaha!!
