BLOGMAS...Day 22 Kirstie's Handmade Christmas review (ep3)

Anbrian (unsure of spelling)- degree in jewelry design, metal decoration made of copper and brass with rivet hinges, Nutcracker and fairy. These were layers that were soldered together. I liked this decoration and actually looking at them again I think they deserved the win.
Kerry-loves sparkle, embroidered hoop decoration. Different festive decorations with multi layers.
Charlotte-Ceramic designer, makes 2D marbled baubles. This is a very cute decoration which I would love to make!
Julia-Glassblower, makes individual glass baubles which are all made by hand. Very impressive! I've tried glassblowing and nearly passed out blowing the glass bubble!
Floral Art competition, winner: Lizzy-Glittery arch way
Judge: Nick Southern-florist who's has worked with Alexander McQueen
I personally think that all these pieces could be in fashion magazines like Vogue-all stunning designs.
Jo-Florist from Henley-on-Thames (my home town where I grew up) who has worked with Kate Moss and Princess Beatrice. She designed a 2 tier chandelier, with mini milk bottles.
Lizzy-Sparkly arch way, she used glitter and snow spray, more was more. It was stunning-worthy winner!
Gabby-Whimsical table garland and gold leaf, using succulents.
Davide- French florist, loves drama, opulence, he uses gold spray on different fruits to create glamour. He used an urn for his arrangement.
Christmas dish competition winner: Ronnie-stuffed roast chicken.
Judge: Jimmy Lee-award winning chef, Cantonese restaurant.
Natalie-Persian dish, from Iran braised turkey with pomegranate. Looked good.
Karine (unsure of correct spelling) - Duck a l'Orange with influences from Cameroon, French and Carribbean. Had special ingredients from Cameroon.
Daray- Nigerian lamb shank with Nigerian spices and flavours.
Ronnie-Filipino roast chicken stuffed with pork mince, chorizo, olives, egg and carrots. With a special sauce which is reduced soya sauce and lemonade.
Other crafts Kirstie did were:
Making Irish Cream- this makes a good edible gift not too expensive because there isn't huge amounts of alcohol in it.
Hand Crafted Chef knives- for the Foody in your life, these are expensive but a very thoughtful gift if you know some one who loves cooking (like me and my hubby-maybe next year I can go and make him some😉)
Sugar Crafts- making sugar flowers for festive cakes.
Personalised appliqué napkins done on sewing machine but could be done by hand (craft for next year for me next year)
Over all there were some great crafts, I would love to try out and some amazing places I would love to visit next Christmas-bit late for this Christmas!! I loved the series and I might even apply next year, best get making!!
Right night night, my little snowman Toodles xx