My Donor Family Letter

So this was the hardest letter I have ever had to write. It was something that I had tried to do so many times but I never felt I had got the right words to explain how I felt and how grateful I am. How do you write a letter that there are no words that can really sum up how thankful because words wouldn't truly be enough.
I found it hard to find the right writing paper because I didn't want it to be too over the top, too girly or too bubbly. I just hated every option I had found. Then I looked on Paperchase and I knew I would find something that was the right balance of special enough but not over the top. I then sat down once again after starting the letter for at least the 10th times. I just started typing and this time I really felt like I could get my words out properly, it was very emotional and I cried through out writing it.
I am very proud to have written it and I hope that my letter bring's them some comfort as my Donor was the most amazing selfless human being, a hero and my guardian angel. I want to live my life to the fullest in honour of my donor and in their memory. The love I have for my Donor's family is immense and maybe one day I might know how they feel with a return letter but for now to know that I have given them a little comfort (I hope) is all I want.
In loving memory of my Donor and to my Donors Family who made a very brave and difficult decision in the midst of grief is the most incredible and selfless act any one could ever do.