Update on starting up my Christmas Shop

So guys exciting news, I’ve had some extra funds approved to help me get closer to my target. I’m so excited as it’s now really starting feel real and my little “silly” idea of owning my own Christmas shop is now becoming a reality. I think a lot of people think I’m crazy for loving Christmas so much but you know my story so let not bang on about that but I will say that I want to bring the magic of Christmas to everyone throughout the year and spread my joy!
Any back to the shed....so which one should I pick, I’m struggling to pick, I have 3 I really like. I also need to pick a colour. All the sheds can be painted different colours so I love the maroon colour but should I go all out post box red (British post box) or Evergreen green or white and red or Icy blue? Too many option! I love the traditional combination of red and gold though!
This is sugh exciting times. It means I will have great space to really get making and creating design and make new products. My mini office has been great a bit of crafting but I’m bursting at the seams so there!
I decided to put to a vote to Instagram on My Christmas Emporium account and now I‘m more confused than when I started! I think it’s between two really but I need to have another think. I’m looking again now so when I do reach my target I know exactly which one I want and colour.
So I am on tender hooks, to hear if the other funding might also be approve!
Watch this space! Bye Festive FriendsXX