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Elf on the shelf Part 2

So after much reflection I may have to rethink the process of this (I will speak to Santa regarding the advent for this year!) But back to the crazy second half of my Elf on the Shelf shenanigans. I have some how forgotten the exact order of the which events happened on which days but you get the idea!

Advent Day 13:

So the Elves decided to bring some fun baking for Phoebe to do (well they borrowed a gift that we had received from a lovely friend but they thought we should use it!) As you can see it was a popular choice as all the Festive friends wanted to get involved!

Day 14:

Happy Birthday from the Elves, they brought Phoebe a brand new Festive cardigan to wear for her Birthday. They also ended up sneaking into the visit with Santa for Phoebes Birthday activity. Unfortunately with all the restrictions and Covid rules in place there wasn't much of a choice of activity.

We had to be outside, no party for Phoebe due to being in a more restrictive tier. (In years to come I hope we read this back and think what a crazy time it was and just a distant memory.)

Phoebe had a nice time meeting the reindeer but we had the inevitable reaction parent dreads.............

......completely balled her eyes out as soon as she met Santa (I think it's a right of passage for all parents.) We all have those expectationsVreality! We were definitely hit with reality! We also got lost on our way to the farm and ended up on some crazy dirt track which we nearly got completely stuck in the mud. We were literally about 2 second from calling the Fire Brigade, we missed our slot with Santa but luckily the lovely owners managed to convince Santa to stay a little longer. Bloody Sat Nav, we nearly ended up in a ditch no word of a lie or exaggeration. The air may have been a bit blue, I was trying to stay calm (clinging the door handle-phoebe was asleep for the whole thing) and I was trying not laugh at how ridiculous it was! Poor hubby was trying to get the car out and turn round with ditches either side! It was scary at the time but I think we can now laugh about it!

Advent Day15:

The Elves decided to build a pyramid to knock down with a giant ball, they had found- this led to quite a lot of time that morning rebuild the pyramid (over and over again.) Phoebe knocked it down with great enthusiasm! We also recovered from our ordeal the day before (no more excitement for us!)

(no toilet rolls were harmed in this Elf on the Shelf activity- 2020 joke and when looking back some people will be like whaaaaaaaat........?! Haha!)

Advent Day 16:

The Elves decided to play with some of Phoebes new birthday presents and they knew she wanted some help with her puzzle/cuzzle so they decided to make it to show her!

Advent Day17:

The Candy Cane hunt was great fun, they picked some festive friends to help show where the Candy Canes may have been hidden. She was so quick to find them I didn't manage to get loads of pics because she had found them before I snap the pic but I did replace a few to get a few piccys! She was just too quick. I hadn't been prepared for that!

She was Pondering about her stash, I think in this pic!

Advent Day18:

The Elves decided at 4am they wanted a tree house in the Christmas tree so they set to work in converting a box into a Festive Pad. They stuck baubles to decorate it, stocking hung inside and made sure that they had snow on the roof!

Advent Day 19:

Now I know Phoebe had asked Santa about a real pony but he said that her rocking horse was good fun so the Elves tested it out and they agreed!

Advent Day 20:

The Elves decided they wanted to have a sauna in Phoebe's Kitchen microwave (they said they didn't have much success!)

Advent Day 21:

This might have been their most cheeky Elves Shenanigans! Teepeeing Phoebe's little tree because they said she kept taking the decorations off they thought they would help to redecorate it!

Advent Day 22:

The Elves decided sit down and have a bit of a chat (they were exhausted by this point I think!)

Advent Day 23:

The Elves put together the Nativity scene which they thought would be nice for Phoebe to learn about the Nativity and she could look it while we read the Nativity Story. I had a thought the other day, bare with me a minute but...........Virgin Mary was probably the first women to have a baby shower in the world (the Wiseman brought gifts, not that practical but still it was the thought that counts-just sayin'!) Unfortunately this only lasted the day so I've decided to make a Phoebe friendly one and one for me to display for us to keep!

Christmas Eve Day 24:

Christmas Eve the Elves brought Phoebe Her New special box that Mummy had made (by Pyrographying it-I will explain my design in another post!) and had left for the Elves to fill up. They brought her a "Twas the Night Before Christmas' book with sounds which was always read to me when I was younger and we knew it was the magical night! She got a cup from the elves and then they also left a snowperson marshmallow for a little hot chocolate in her new Christmas PJ's. They put her reindeer ears in the box and loads of stickers (which have ended up every where stuck on everything!)

It was lovely having the Elves visit but they are quite messy house guests and do tend to get up to a bit of mischief! I think I will let Santa know that they can come back but might need to be a little more tidy!

Right Festive friends enough of my waffling it will be Christmas by the time i finish this post! Haha!

Toodles Festive FriendsXX


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