My Prisoner of Askhaban Halloween decorations
So it should come as no surprise I’m a huge Harry Potter fan and now my daughter loves it too! She only watches the first two and we skip the scary bits but she does love Dobby (I mean who doesn’t?) There’s a great scene in Chamber of Secrets where Dobby uses his magic to smash a weird purple and green iced cake onto a women’s head! There‘s a little bit of Dobby in all of us! He’s a bit mischievous and bit sassy and quite funny! Anyway I’ve been designing my decorations around 1, 2 and mostly the 3rd HP film and so far this is what I’ve come up with:

These our WANTED posters (with my own spin on it) I thought it would be funny to be a bit cheeky with what was written underneath to make them more fun!

May transfigure into a Bear if Butterbeer is not consumed! I thought this summed up his wanted poster really well! I might change the pic to his actual butter beer pic though!

I thought this was funny because we are at the tricky two-nado stage going into the three-nager so this summed up what some days can be like! Plus in the photo she looks likes she’s about to cause mischief!

This was me on a previous Halloween but it fit perfectly with my ’Peter Petigrew’ transfigured into your pet rat (a Ron Weasley reference) I thought it worked well!
These all are in my kitchen which has been turned into The Leaky Cauldron pub. I drew the sign for The Leaky Cauldron and popped it in a frame too!

I then added some other bits to make it looks more pub like! Some Hobgoblin beers, a cauldron which I will fill up with sweets for kids if any come visiting at Halloween! My photo of me enjoying a butterbeer and a slightly naughty named beer, my hubby’s beer growler and a little cauldron candle (yes that top shelf is wonky but I’m too scared to touch it in case it falls down-they were left by the previous people and we’ve not taken them down but for this purposes they work but I might try and find a better shelving system! Any way moving on! My husbands love of craft beer has been included!

Definitely going to give a butterbeer recipe a go!

I then decided to draw Fawks the Phoenix for “Dumbledoors Office“ which I’ve put in Sams office in our entrance hall.

The front door is going to have the purple Night Bus on! I thought it might be fun for us to be on the bus as well as Earny! I might add a few more!

I’ve even managed to get floating candle, which are in the “Great Hall” (which is my dinning area!) Ready for when I set the table! I was also planning on using my Christmas trees to create the forbidden forest (probably not but I mean any excuse and you can’t blame a girl for trying!)
For plates I bought some paper star and moon purple ones which would look pretty on top of my Christmas silver chargers!

My plans is for P to go trick or treating round our house and one of us is going to be behind each door! That’s why each room is a different place around Hogwart! My log Cabin is Hagrids hut, the kitchen is The Leaky Cauldron, dinning area Great Hall, bathroom is Chamber of Secrets (haha!) and our bedroom Griffindor Common Room! That way she gets to knock on doors and get sweets and we know they are nut free and diary free! I know there are special buckets for allergies but I’ve not found any yet! Also with Covid it just doesn’t feel right knocking on random doors now!
Although every pack of sweets we’ve tried to buy and hide she’s managed to find and eat them so think shes done!