My Kidney story in a Magazine
So as you all know over the years I've had my fair share of press. I share my story so that others searching for support may find it and not be so alone as I was when I was going through. Don't get me wrong I made Kidney and Transplant friends along the way but I really had to search. Now more and more people share their story and you become a community. My first story was about spreading awareness of giving the gift of organ donation after my kidneys failed the second time.
Dorset Echo:

The second big one was on the front of the local paper for Christmas Eve going into Christmas Day 2016 (4 months post transplant). I was so proud to be on the front cover.
Dorset Echo:

It's important to me to share my story and give hope to others, particularly women who maybe like me and was told having children naturally would have been dangerous on dialysis and difficult after.

Christmas is a special time for me and having my story shared on Christmas day when only two years earlier I was in hospital at Christmas and it was a bit touch and go at times but Santa did find me while I was in there!

I've been featured on BBC Radio Solent on Organ Donation and My Story:
So back to today and I had a little flurry of Story requests all in the space of about 2 weeks:
Dorset Live:

Dorset Echo:

Pick Me Up Magazine:

And finally to being featured in Pick Me Up Magazine. A double page spread! This is by far the coolest thing I've been featured in. I found it so nerve wracking because it was a national magazine, it's a bit daunting. I know because I have a voice and I can share my story to help other I feel I must. In a way I wish I had documented more of it. Reading my story back it does feel quite surreal and almost like it's another person. My lucky number seems to be 14 (it was nearly 13 both times though!) Although my story starts of crazy and sad it really does feel like a Haulmark ending. I joke and say it really should be made into a film
I’ve also been featured on tv on BBC spotlight! That was cool!

Phoebe loved the camera! We did blur her face just for sercurity really!

I went round tidying up like a crazy person!

Next stop a Hallmark movie deal! Haha!

Thank you all for reading my story and I will keep sharing and hope for others to find support in that!