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A year to remember

Well what a year this has turning out to be! Let me take you back to Christmas time when I thought I had; what we in the educational industry called "end of termitis"!

With Elf on the Shelf,

birthday party prep,

Making a princess cake until the wee hours!

I also grabbed a Belle costume for P's birthday party! (baby was already snuggled up when I wore this costume!)

Christmas decorations to get up and present buying and wrapping all done (kept me up again to the wee hours!)

I thought I was just tired from all of that!

So it turns out that's not quite what it was......I really had no idea!

So fast forward to February half term, the day before Valentine's Day's and we found out a big surprise.....!

We went and had our scan and I found was 16 weeks pregnant again a bit of a surprise I was that far along!

We celebrated Valentine's knowing that our little family was going to expand! It was very exciting!

Just as we were getting our heads round that we found out we got an offer on our house and so we could finally get the property we wanted!

Easter holiday

And finally we got the school choice we wanted too! They say thing's come in 3's! We are lucky this year is turning out to be a great year for us! Amazing how quickly a year can turn around!

This is as far we have got on our journey so far!

What will come first? House or Baby? I feel baby maybe quicker than the house but it will be a close call! (Or so I thought!)


So spoiler Selena Melody came a lot earlier than we expected! Her due date was August but she came in June! So she came home to where we brought Phoebe home to, too and where I came home to after my kidneys transplant! I suppose it was supposed to be!


Well, it was too good to be true to have nothing go wrong! We lost the house we wanted because our buyer changed her mind due to her circumstances so we were back to square one. We sold again but we've just not been able to find anything decent since! We now need to consider flats as a stop gap! I just hope we find something this side of Christmas!


So the house drama is still going on and we've now found somewhere and we're going through the paperwork and process but with it being probate it will probably take till February to move probably!

I look forward to moving and nesting with Baby Girl and getting settled and start planning for Christmas in the new home! For now though 2023 will be (hopefully) be the last Christmas here! So I'm trying to make it special!

That's all friends ToodlesXX


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