Disney Jungle Cruise Film

So I absolutely love this film and so does Hubby. I have actually been on the ride in Paris (I had forgotten!) The film is based on the ride and it's a gooden!

I love the Scenery and fashion because it's set in the early 1900s. I have decided I'm going to theme my new house to disney films and the Living room will definately be jungle cruise themed and the bathroom will be little mermaid (makes sense as you can get tiles that look like iridescent scales.) The dining room/kitchen area would Beauty and the Beast themed (again obvious with the dancing meal and "Be our guest"!) Maybe an HP bedroom and outdoor space could be Aladdin. So I'm definitely inspire by Angie Bellemare who has bought a disney house in Florida, now I can do that but I can bring Disney to me!

So Back to the film, a tramp steamer Captain named Frank Wolff takes DR Lily and her brother Mcgregor (which was my late father’s middle name) up the Amazon. Mcgregor has been shunned by their family because he had to turn down a marriage because his interests lie “elsewhere” (clap, clap, well done Disney for bring in this to the script!) It's a touching scene between him and Frank later on in the film.

So Frank takes them down the Amazon River in search of the Tears of the Moon, a flower with miraculous healing properties, while evading Germans (which have a submarine- there is a brilliant line where they say "who brings a submarine to the amazon?") This made me chuckle!

This is all while continuously calling her "Pants" because he hasn't ever seen a women in trousers and it's set in an era where women only wore dresses (even as an explorer-not many of them either.)

As a women Dr Lilly had to submit her Research Paper under the guise of her brother to the Association to be taken more seriously! She's definitely a positive role model because she really tries to break the rules and moulds of the era. Changing the way women were seen in the academic world. I have said many-er times that I would loved to been an Egyptologist but really an Explorer would have been even cooler! I am wanting to do more exploring but I am definitely a lady of comfort not discomfort anymore. However I love that P is so brave and not scared of anything and also proves that exploring can be done in a dress! I have joked several times, one day she will be trekking in Peru!

Now talking of exploring in dressers, I have a perfect dress to match the leopard/ Cheetah print but I just need a little jacket to go with it. got the straw hat though! (Good for "Disney Banding" in the Parks or in Life in general!)

In the film Dr Lily draws her surrounding as she goes down the Amazon River.

I love doing that and this is my version. I would have loved to be an explorer (in another lifetime.)

So back to the film it's pretty spectacular scenes and some daring stunts which are perfectly done, mostly performed by Dr Lilly. She runs across a lot of roof tops and it's fabulous and quite a funny chase scene.

I found Jack Whitehall's character Mcgregor (lilly's brother) is actually brilliantly played by him. He's very funny! Dr Lilly is continuously falling for Franks scams and it's definitely a love had relationship to start with after he tricks her he's got the best boat and these tribes are real and want the arrow head she possesses.

The Conquistadors try to attack the tribe and try to get the arrow heard to release them from their curse.

However there's a perfect bit where after Mcgregor bringing his golf clubs with him on the steamer boat earlier on, then one of the tribes people wacks one of the Conquistadors over the head and he then smiles and say "Driver" it was a great comedy moment amongst an epic fight scene.

After this there's a brilliant underwater scene where they have to release the water to reveal the entrance to the Tears of the Moon Tree. I am definitely going to include this in P's new room Mural when we move. ( don't even ask me about that!)

The Flowers only appear under the moon light and to lift the curse they need a flower but it's a raise to get one because of the short time frame the moon exposes the flowers. There are also multiple people who are after it another dramatic fight scene occurs and it looks like Frank succumbs to the curse.

Spoiler-Luckily Lilly gives Frank the last flower she gets and saves him from the curse and they head back to London for Frank to realise his dream to drive a car (not that well) and Mcgregor when addressing the Association, he has the best line "You can take your invite and shove it up your association" After they finally accept Dr Lilly and Her Research.
There so much to this film and I could of gone and one but this already very long.
A fabulous Adventure film and I highly rate it and it has resparked our love of film night and the search for more Adventure films for us to enjoy.