Easter after a Pandemic
We’ve had a lovely Easter the 3 of us doing egg painting, bonnet making, chocolate bunny making, egg hunting, eating our roast, walk and play in the park and getting cosy watching HP on the tv! I would have made a carrot cake too but forgot to get vegetable oil!

It’s definitely been a bit of an odd Easter this year, no pubs open, no overnight visits allowed, no more than 6 people! It definitely would have been fabulous being in a pub garden having an Easter lunch roast lamb but our M&S dinner was delicious! They seem to be our go-to for special meals! Although we couldn't get lamb weirdly.......
But my biggest question is, who’s eaten all the eggs.......? Where have all the eggs gone.......? I think they’ve either not ordered enough this year or dare I say the B word or possibly all the eggs got stuck behind that tanker!
This year there wasn’t that much available and it went so quickly. We were convinced we could get eggs the Saturday before Easter like last year and the years before!

We drove around looking for eggs in all the supermarkets near to us (literally: Aldi, Home Bargains, Poundland, Sainsbury's, Asda, Lidl, Icelands big store, Morrisons and finally in the end we got a Moo Free 'egg' which was actually a little hamster from a Tesco convenience store.......... Oh and randomly it was orange flavour! I did have a bit of a brainwave though, which even surprised me with my brilliant solution.........

I then decided to buy 3 big bars of chocolate because I knew I had a mould of a bunny which I thought maybe........ just maybe...............
I could try and make a solid chocolate bunny from all the melted chocolate! I had never done it before but it will now be one of our traditions of making our own chocolate shapes for Easter and Christmas.
ANYWAY..............it set perfectly and I hid candy carrots in the middle just for fun. Now I'm like - what other magical things can I make?? The possibilities are endless........!!!

I was so pleased with my efforts! (I repurposed the straw that came from my birthday present from my brother which looks cool!

So Phoebe got her Easter basket in the morning which had funny glasses, Easter bubbles, eggs to paint and a little cuddly chick. Her new carrot bucket is now a new firm favourite accessory along with her new Rabbit handbag which is soooooo cute from her Granna!!

So we painted eggs on Easter morning which was lovely and I named her collection "Phoeb-erge" eggs, Spring has sprung! She loved painting her eggs! (Yes I am aware she is wearing her Christmas pyjamas from Santa, they are her favourite-what can you do, she just takes after me!)

Then we hid the eggs around the garden and got Phoebe into her special Easter outfit which I ordered months ago! I thought she would look adorable running around in her chick onesie. I then did her face paint to look like a little chick too (lasted all of about 3 seconds-mum fail!) I would also like to say doing face painting on a toddler is like wrestling a crocodile (actually the crocodile might have been easier, I didn't produce my best work I'm afraid!)

And then we were ready for the Easter hunt!

She had great fun finding all the eggs and bubbles and her dinosaurs in the little bags around the garden! She knew exactly what to do and I think she will be raring to go on Halloween (currently her favourite things to watch on the kids’ channels - she doesn’t get it from me, I hate scary things!)
Then we cooked our roast beef (couldn’t get lamb) in our new Crockpot (literally arrived just in time as ours literally gave up the ghost a few days before.) So happy we got our new one, our other one had a big crack in the pot and was just a hazard! OH I should say it was delicious!
I then set our table and decorated the dresser to finish the Easter Look! I used egg cups to hold my new tea lights which is good because I couldn’t find my actual tea light holders (I swear Dobby lives in our house and magically things disappear and reappear at will! It's like the floating trifle that appears (if you know then you know) and then it's like getting smashed on the top of your head- I’m like - that's where it was.............!
It’s not that Instagram perfect photo but it’s all my lovely handmade things! With a toddler I find it impossible to create that "gram" without random stickers covering things or random toys in the background. I definitely used to feel that pressure to be that "GRAM MUM" but I'm just not, I don't have the time or energy to decorate the whole house for every season or quite frankly the budget for it, but I do my best!

I also had some real issues getting things I wanted this year. Everything was selling out and lack of stock in the weeks prior to Easter! I have a theory, I think I said it easier but that "B" is to blame (I'm not putting it in full) I also think that there's probably a whole tanker full of eggs floating about on the ocean's version of the M25 car park after that tanker got stuck! I did hear quite a few people saying about not being able to get eggd this year as well!!
Happy Easter
That's it from me my Festive FriendsXX
Ps. It's nearly halfway to Christmas FYI and so close to me setting up MY CHRISTMAS EMPORIUM studio-so excited!!!