Carving Pumpkins Fail

Ok this is definitely the last one post on pumpkins! So we got our big pumpkin from the supermarket and I think we went a bit crazy and carved way to early-more on that later!

P had a great time scraping out the pumpkin (some seeds were flung across the kitchen a few times!)

Now people said it looked like it was a bug but it’s Minnie Mouse with a bow which was a bat! (Slightly upset that my carvings skills aren’t better!) It’s definitely hard to carve just using kitchen knives and I have subsequently found out from my dear friends across the pond they use proper pumpkin tools! NOW YOU TELL ME! (I had seen them and I had actually put a kit back-DOH!) Never mind!
Phoebe liked it but it only last about 2-3 days, after that it just looked liked it was melting! So the trick is not to carve too early!
Any way I will know for next year!