Birthdays and Mothers Day
So I turned 36 this year and I actually feel Fabulous!!! I'm really enjoy my 30's because my life has definitely been a little more smooth sailing...well apart from that tiny thing of a 2 year Global Pandemic. I am happy we aren't in lock down this year and we could do things!! What a difference a year makes. (Anyone reading this not in 2022 you might be like what on Earth? Yeh weird times! Don't take your freedom and the small joys of life for granted like leaving your house or outdoor space!)
We went for a picnic for my activity by the lake which was also combined with Mothers Day because it was the next day.
So Mother's Day didn't quite go to plan because I have a flare up of my Diverticular Disease which had me basically on the sofa barely moving and in a lot of pain. I was 'gutted' (pardon the pun) because I had planned setting out a pretty cream tea with finger sandwiches and scones and clotted cream and jam but I barely ate anything for about 4/5 days because my stomach hurt sooooo much. Luckily it didn't last as long as the last time. I did get a nice present from P and Sam and it meant I could now wear my summer dresses again.
Any way P made me a cute biscuit with strawberry laces and it was actually delicious. Although I was told "Mummy you've got to share alright!" by my adorable daughter. You can tell what we've been instilling in her! She also said it the other day when I bought new makeup lol!!! She's a funny Bunny!
Any way that's a wrap!