2018 Nesting.......Mamma Mini New Yorker (sooner than I thought)
Summer 2017
So I had my clinic appointment for my transplant and I spoke to one of my favourite doctors and he told me the most exciting news. He said that we can start trying.....well actually I asked and he said yes we can start now. I think we will wait till I'm at my first year post transplant. As soon as he told us we both were like "really?" We had been told that we had to wait 18 months, but he was happy for us to start trying when we were ready.
I am so happy and it has been something that I have been wanting for so long and it had been quite a journey from one of my old doctors told me I wouldn't be able to have children naturally-I was devastated at the time to being told it was too dangerous to try while I was on dialysis and so I had to wait until I had my transplant which I was told could have been a 3 year wait. Luckily I was only on the list for 15 months before I got my call.
Now I feel that I can really start planning about having a baby without being secretive about it or hiding how I much I want to be a mum. I was in Aldi the other day with a friend and I was looking at baby and mother things and I was so tempted to start buying things but I think I will wait a bit to see how things go.
March 2018
So fast forward to early March, there had been a few bumps in the road with my sugar levels. So I was started on insulin but before I had even got into a pattern my sugar levels sorted them selves out. So that's good news.
So we had been trying since January really. We conceived

in April and I started to have a few symptoms towards the end! I was struggling with strong smells which made me feel very sick which was hard to hide because I’m surrounded by lots of people and many did notice something was up but I just denied it as it was so early on and I was told (later on) by so many that I might lose this pregnancy which just made every day I woke with a step closer to the safe zone made me feel better!
On the weekend of the bank holiday I had already missed a couple of days of my period so I was quietly optimistic! I started getting all the regular symptoms like sore breasts and believe it or not I just felt different, I had a bit of cramping too! I then called my Renal team, my Diabetes/Women’s Health team and my transplant co-ordinator was so happy she said She been waiting for me to call her! Which was so sweet! As most of you know I have had a kidney transplant and diabetes so potentially having to restart insulin as I may need a bit more help when I’m pregnant! I took several pregnancy tests just to be sure because I couldn’t really believe it our miracle had happened! It was the most amazing feeling when I saw the second line. It was really hard to keep it a secret because I was so scared to dream this could be happening but also so excited to keep it to my self!
June 2018
So thankful June saw the end of term and it meant I could finally rest at home after feeling quite rough! I had to have a scan because I had very light spotting! Luckily it all ok, but sitting in that waiting room and then relief was when we got the ok! We had to keep our scan hidden while we were in the waiting room because we were told it doesn’t always end happily! So it was very nerve racking few weeks!
So we went on some sunny walks and I had really hide my bump so clever editing photos and playing with angles worked well!
So August has been a month of sewing my heirloom advent calendar (which is taking sooooooo long- I do keep getting distracted by lunch dates with friends) and getting deliveries. I would just like to say making most things from ikea is like a giant 3D jigsaw puzzle. It’s a challenge, but once you’ve made something that isn’t wonky/ falling apart/loads of left over bits which your not sure how you’ve missed a step and you’re going back through all the instructions to realise that two pages were stuck together (crying face)! Luckily the changing table I made by my self was ok so I’m contemplating building the cot by my self but I’m slightly scared this is the next level of 3D puzzles making-eeeek! Stay tuned!

we had our 20 week scan to find out what we were having and it was the most nerve rack scan and the wait to make sure all was ok with our baby and then the sex was soooo a agognising wait..... but we announce to everyone we are expecting a.............GIRL! We were over joyed and we bought her a little onesie that had a frilly collar and flamingos on!

I had started having conversations with my with my doctors about trying to get to 37 weeks! I had started to show signs of my body struggling! I put my Christmas decorations up early because I thought by December I won’t have the energy!
I decided to organise my baby shower early in mid November because I had a sneaking suspicion I wasn’t going to get to 37 weeks and I had more doctors appointments. I decided to have an afternoon Christmas cream tea and then we painted ceramics to give to Phoebe when she’s older!

I had hospital stays and it became apparent that I was having to have a c section, it was nearly on the 13th but another lady had to have an emergency c section! So I had mine scheduled on the 14th and I had an all women team and we listened to Michael Bubles Christmas Album it truly was a lovely experience ! We then had to stay in the SCBU (special care baby unit-for 10days!)

We finally got home for Christmas Eve and we had the most lovely relaxed Christmas Day! We put our m and s Christmas meal on and it was lovely as Phoebe was sleeping peacefully!
Thats where I will leave you but I will continue to update you on our journey!