Blogmas Day 23: Wishes for 2018

So this year has been a crazy one! At the start of this year I have gone back to work after having my kidney transplant, I finished my course that I had decided to do.
So what does 2018 hold for me/us? Well I hope to start a family and that is the thing that I’m looking forward to most! I have been waiting to be a mum for so long but due to my kidney disease I was too ill! I think I’ve wanted to be a mum ever since I was about 8 years old after being adopted! I know I will be a good mum and I’m definitely ready now!
I am also looking forward to celebrating 10 years of being with my husband, (7 years married in 2018.) We have been through a lot and I hope that we can go to Edinburgh to celebrate our anniversary! I’ve wanted to go for so long (blog on why I’m obsessed with Edinburgh, Scotland to follow in the New Year!)
I also hope that we may be able to go on a sunny holiday somewhere, I would love to go back to Italy but we like to explore new places and unusual parts of a country or unique places that others don’t go to! Somewhere with interesting culture, that is most important to us. We like to learn about different things when we go to visit.
I’m also hoping that 2018 is the year we sort the house out. I want to get the house to how we want it! I’m hoping to get a new bigger sofa, having a 6”2 husband on a tiny sofa does pose some issues, especially when you both try to put your feet up (doesn’t work!) I want to paint the whole place to freshen it up and fix the stuff that needs to be fixed and sort our wardrobe as that needs to be fitted into our bedroom! Really it’s just do a bit to it at a time!
Mostly though from 2018 I want to be happy and healthy, the rest is just goals to work towards!
Toodles my little nativity XX