Blogmas Day 19: The Overtones Christmas Concert
So I have been looking forward to this since it was booked back in September. This was my Christmas present from my Mum, I knew I really really wanted to go but unfortunately the tickets were a bit pricey and I couldn't really buy them with loads of family presents to buy as well. I think I banged on about the concert for quite a while so my mum probably wanted to stop me going on about it-Ha-ha!
So we had a quick dinner but got a taxi to Colston Hall. It was different to what I was expecting but it was actually lovely to be in a smaller venue, it made the concert feel quite intimate. I did take a Digital SLR with me but some grumpy security guard came and told me off for having a professional camera, about a minute after this The Overtones then said they didn't mind photos being taken because they wanted us to have the memories and we had paid a lot to have that privilege.

They had these amazing glittery suit jackets and I just loved how Christmasy they looked! They certainly had varied outfits....some very amusing ones! Everyone meet the Mini Overtones!

The dancing was just hilarious and I was cry laughing so much all my makeup came off. I just had such a good time and it really did go too quickly.

They sang a lot of my favourite songs, including their version of Beauty and the Beast, Driving Home for Christmas, Gambling Man, Get Lucky, Uptown Funk and loads more.

There was a moment when they sat down and Timmy Matley spoke about his diagnosis of his stage 3 skin cancer. I was so touched by his story and it's weird because The Overtones music kept me going while I was on dialysis and having my treatment at hospital.

I would often bop along and it would really keep me positive, I would have a 'mini' party while having my treatment.

We had such a lovely evening and it was great to see The Overtones live.
I wore my winter New York dress, little white furry bolero, my vintage style black shiny shoes, pearls and a mini Santa hat and gold glittery makeup.
Toodles my little crackers XX