Blogmas Day 18: Bath ice skating

We decided last weekend that we would go to Bath on Ice, the outdoor ice skating rink. It was lovely, it was small but the ice was really good!
I was very nervous about falling over because I didn’t want to land on my kidney side! We took it slowly, holding hands all the way round-nahhhh aren’t we cute! It was quite busy and some very speedy skaters whizzing past, we were not one of them. I would say my style of skating was like bambi on ice, the slightest movement and my balance was all over the place, arms flailing everywhere but I didn’t fall over (absolutely determined not to even if that means clinging to the side for dear life!) It did cross my mind about getting one of the ‘skating aids’ or a penguin or seal (might have been a bit safer- they need to make emperor penguins skating aids for adults-haha!)
I saw people fall over but thankfully no major injuries. Although my feet definitely got hammered by the ice skating boots-they are horrible! Then I stupidly decided to wear heels straight after to the concert (didn’t think that through!)
Right this is going to be short and sweet because we are about to jump in a taxi and head to the Overtones Christmas concert! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!
Toodles my little icicles XX