Blogmas Day 17: Sunday Vibes

Today is Sunday and Sunday means a relaxed start to the day, and then a late lunch and stroll in town to get the last presents! I then spent the afternoon doing more pyrographying (not sure that’s a real word but I’m going with it!)
I started by drawing the design in my blog book first so I could see how it would all fit in. I then drew the design on to the box and then pyrographied them, I made each design individual for each couple.

I designed this for my hubby’s uncle and his wife, who is the author of a book which is about the New Forest. She has taken many pictures of deer and other animals of the New Forest. So I included the deer in my design and a little robin in a nod to her passion!

I also included a bow at the front to make it festive and pretty. I am really pleased with its design. I have put chocolate truffles inside as a cute gift for them!

This was the next design for my hubby’s brother and his wife (my brother-in-law and sister-in-law!) I wanted to include some cute festive
designs, a bauble, stocking, holly and a candy cane! I like this design for them as they have a family. I put a mix of Heroes and Celebrations in as an extra gift for them!

This one is for my very cute nephews, it’s a mini chest and I’ve stuffed it to the brim with festive Haribo for them! I saw this cute illustration on Pinterest and thought it was lovely and I know my sister-in-law loves penguins! I wanted to make something the boys would like!

So after all of that I then started cooking dinner. I decided to use the SW recipe but I’ve changed it a bit for Blogmas. No flambé this time (crying face!)
So it is turkey risotto, I decided to add cranberry sauce, sage, garlic, red onion, then chestnuts and then we used truffle risotto rice which actually worked well! It really was a bit of a treat and we really enjoyed cooking it, with some dancing too! I have to say with work I find it difficult to cook as much during the week because I get tired still! I want to get a slow cooker as I think our one has given up the ghost but it is nearly 7 years old! I can then bung everything in and then relax-my style of cooking! I like making risotto but it’s a lot of stirring and standing by the oven while it cooks!
Now I’m going to read my Town and Country magazine and then #spoiler we are going to the Overtones tomorrow so there may not be a blog or it may be a very short blog!
Toodles my little chestnuts XX