Blogmas Day 16: Winter walk at Lulworth

Today we were going to meet up with a friend in Bournemouth but unfortunately they were ill and couldn’t make it! So instead we went for another winter walk, we decided to go for another walk at Lulworth Cove and then have a cup of tea in the The Lulworth Cove Inn after. It was soooooooooooo cold at the top we definitely needed that cup of tea to warm up! It’s been a while since I climbed the hill (after my transplant last year!) Today, I got to the top with a few stops, having a cold did make it harder to breathe but I got there in the end-might need those oxygen tanks at the top if this cold gets worse! It was very popular today with many couples and families walking up the hill, I did notice another lady had my wellies on too which made me chuckle because they were in the kids’ section in Asda!

After our walk we had a cup of tea and a cheeky little mince pie-it was for charity after all! Now I’m just warming up at home, feeling warm and cosy in a onesie!
Toodles my little mince pies XX