Blogmas Day 11: Festive winter walk

We had a bit of a hectic weekend last weekend and I felt like I needed to unwind and get out into some fresh air and somewhere calming. I’m a country girl at heart and I love walking in the woods and fields and clearing the cobwebs away! I realised as pretty as my boots are wellies would definitely have been a better choice-I always seem to wear the wrong thing (either not warm enough, waterproof enough or too warm). Anyway we decided to go to Hardy’s Cottage for a walk which is surrounded by lovely woods! It was nice to go with hubby and just have time chatting about our plans and hopes for the future!

I was very excited that I had found my Christmas tree for next year! This literally is bigger than a house! Cool though! Anyway you may be questioning my choice of trousers but they are really warm and festive. You don’t want to see me cold and miserable, it’s not a good sight. Just think of it like h-angry but more whiny and stroppy and then that’s what I’m like if I get too cold! I don’t do well in intense cold or heat. I’m like Goldilocks of the weather - it’s got to be just right!
Anyway I was wrapped up warm so it was perfect and then I came back home to have a lovely cup of tea and a slice of mini panettone!
Toodles my little presents XX