My First Year Kidneyversary

So I decided for my first Kidneyversary I wanted to go to Kirstie Allsopp's craft show. I have been a fan of Kirstie for many years and have most of her books (desperate for her NEW cookbook.)

I was so excited to go to her craft show for my 1st kidney transplant anniversary-Kidneyversary!
It was at Hampton Court, or so I thought (will explain shortly)! I love my new dress, it's Lindy Bop Central Park Winter Scene and I got so many compliments on it - I felt so glamorous and fancy!! It's going to be my Christmas dress!!

So before I even got into London, the night before the show, there was a terrorist attack-crazy! After some intense talks, a consensus was reached, we decided to go to London as planned. From Dorset getting to London is something of an occasional treat (due to it being a 3-hour long trip.)
So I met my mother at Waterloo while hubby went off to a footy match. I think we had all also gone the long way around because we went back out the way we came - oops (definitely a Dorset Girl now - getting confused by the different train lines!!)
So we got to Hampton Court and then we were promptly directed away from the lovely gates and across the road to a big field - I really wasn't dressed for being in a field-OOPS! We then got our tickets but the tickets were broken down into different area access but what we didn't realise was, the tickets we bought meant we couldn't go into any of the talks/demos.....OOPS again and I didn't get to meet Kirstie (crying face)! It was a bit overcast and it rained a bit but we were in the tents, but it became a bit muddy (I did grab onto my mother's arm as we left because I wasn't wearing the appropriate shoes and I was scared I would fall over in my new beautiful dress.) We should have worn Joules Wellies-sooooooo desperate for a pair of them too!!

Anyway it was a nice day but I definitely had to do a bit of budgeting because there was so many lovely things.
I love Kirstie and I have applied for her show, not heard anything yet! I have loads of great ideas for books/crafts/home!!
I think I would just love her job! As many of you may know I have a little.....tiny......slight......OBSESSION
with Christmas.....I need to go to Christmas Obsessed Anonymous!!! My dream job would be Christmas Consultant/Buyer/ Window Dresser - basically own my own Christmas farm with Christmas trees, turkeys, Santa's
Grotto etc.......................not going to say any more in case you lot steal my idea!! I did go into a Christmas shop recently (one of my favourite things to do is find Christmas shops)
and I think I nearly burst with excitement, I was like this is my dream job to the lady at the counter.....(think she thought I was mad - she's probably right!!)
Right errrr.......what was I talking about, oh yes Kirstie......even if I don't get on her show I have made some of my best decorations for my second felt calendar - grand unveiling (well when I have finished it - got to sew it first-could be here for a while!) December 1st (if its's finished) and this year they are going to be even better - stay tuned to find out what I have done with them! Oh I did get material which I had struggled to find - a brick pattern-ish!
So for my Kidneyversary I got to choose what my dinner was and as I am so predictable I chose sausages and mash....Slimming World friendly. If you didn't know I joined SW a few months ago now to lose weight - so I couldn't go bananas (I can't actually eat bananas now, think I'm allergic to them-random fact!)
So a first year round up, I have achieved quite a bit, I have completed my Teaching Assistant course, my kidney is great and we are looking to the future now - exciting things planned and being this space!
I want to say that I was thinking of my donor's family and what they must have been feeling on the anniversary of losing their relative. I recently did an article for Organ Donation Week and I said in that article I would live my life to the fullest in his honour.
Links to my articles and organ donation: