Lindy Bop Dress Haul

So I decided to order some new dresses from

Lindy Bop a lovely online shop. I
looked at the different styles and these 3 dresses were my favourite (to start with-haha,) I love the border style. I was so excited for the delivery and today it arrived (I was like a child on Christmas day-actually who am I kidding? I was like me on Christmas day.)
Lake Como

My first dress has beautifully vintage cars, little planes, the lakes and mountains in the background. It also has a little hotel which looks similar to ones we saw. There was also little couple standing on the shore which I feel could be me and my hubby-awwwww (yes alright less of the gooey stuff!) This is a Matilda Blue Lake Como, I like the collar on the dress it is cute. This also comes with a lovely little belt that is the same colour as the dress. It fits quite well and I think it will fit even better when I have lost a bit of weight.


So the next dress I got was a seaside themed border dress. It is called has the Pier on it and ladies sunbathing on the Brighton beach and ice creams and beach huts with seagulls in the sky. It comes with a white belts which looks very cute. It does need to be adjusted slightly under my arms where its a bit wide but not a big deal. I did forget about my scars when I ordered this dress but oh well if people stare.......they stare....not my problem!!! This one doesn't seem to be much of a favourite with others but I like it !It's also gone from the website! I can also wear this when I go an visit from friend in Brighton.....haha!

My final dress is my Annie Blue Paris City. This is definitely is the most popular dress I bought. It is a lovely silk fabric that just it feels very special, for special evening outs or events. Definitely not for work this one as it too special. This one comes with a cute purple/lilac belt. This dress has little lilac hot air balloons over the city sky line.

My last dress was actually the first dress that I bought from Amazon is my floral black dress which has longer sleeves and I can wear in the winter more with woolly tights to keep me nice and toasty.

My last purchase was some new shoes that I bought from Matalan to go with my lovely new dresses. On the left the Mary Janes and Brogue court shoes so these will be my staple shoes from now on. The Brogues were £15 and the Mary Janes were £14 (absolute bargain if you ask me!)
I'm going to probably wear my Paris dress and these Brogue patent shoes on the right on Saturday night.
So cheers to my first steps (literally) to my new Vintage style.