My favourite YouTubers
Estee Lalonde
I found Estee through Instagram/another Youtuber, I thought she was very funny and quite down to earth. I like her style, her interior choices and just her zest for life. She's very glamorous but in a real life way with a real figure that you can relate to. I love her travel vlogs because shes very like me, when she has to walk far or up hills you can see her dismay (totally like me right now!) She talks quite fast like me and is quirky in a good way (like me.) I think, if we ever met we would just sit drinking tea and be chatting non-stop. We have a lot of similar likes too.

Amelia Liana
I found Amelia on Instagram and I was really interested in her Travel Vlogs. They were quite a few places she had visited, I wanted to visit too. I like her fashion Look books but at the moment her brands and beauty products are not in my budget but it's interesting to watch (I can get the look/ideas but for less.)

So I didn't know any YouTubers but just searched craft and found Zoella. I immediately thought wow this girl is so similar to me in what she likes and her personality. She's very into fashion and beauty which I have got back into again, after having my kidney transplant. I think if she does a project she goes full hog which is kinda what I do, my mum says "you don't do things by half"or "Katrina less is more!" I suppose that's because I do go a bit overboard. I just get excited about things I am doing, like Zoella! She's also obsessed with Christmas and will listen to Christmas music throughout the year, I do that too!! She also will regularly watch Harry Potter, yeh I do that too!! She also loves interior design and I do too, both slightly obsessed with it really! She lives on the coast and so do I, she loves photography and so do I! We seemed to have quite a few similar interests so I think that's why I like watching her videos. She can sing....I however cannot unfortunately!! I think if I had her budget I would probably have very similar houses too!! I like her fashion sense because she always looks really well put together and a little bit quirky which is definitely a good thing. A kindred spirit!

Alfie Deyes
I like Alfie Deyes because he Vlogs a lot of their lives and he does interesting activities. He also has a lot of knowledge on cameras and gadgets. Which I find interesting and quite useful. I also find his DIY videos very funny.

Poppy and Sean
Poppy is Alfie's sister and although she doesn't have a YouTube Channel she appears on Alfie's, Sean's and Zoella's channels regularly. I do follow Poppy's blog and I really enjoy reading it. I enjoy watching vlogs and reading her blog and looking at her photos, it inspires me to do more with my blog and create great content. I enjoy watching Poppy, Sean, Zoella in Alfie's vlogs when they are all together. I find their trips away and outings together great to watch.

Tanya Burr
I like Tanya Burr's style and her beauty tips. I feel that she has more of a realistic style that I could create. I also like that she's a wife so I feel that I can relate to her as a married woman. She's very funny as well with some of the things she comes out with.

I love watching the Saccone-Jolys because they are a family going about their lives. My dream is to have a family of my own fairly soon and I love that Anna and Jonathan bring up their children with such love and care. I think it's interesting to pick up on little tips and tricks for family life. I enjoy hearing about their family life and what they get up to and the different places they go as a family. I think because I have wanted to be a mum (forever) but have actually become ready to be a mum since we got married, it has given a little ray of hope that this is what my life could be like soon. I loved watching them while I was on dialysis to keep my spirits up. I also think Anna dresses Eduardo and Emilia how I would dress my children. I'm so excited to also go to Sorrento at some point soon and I was inspired by the Saccone-Jolys.

Phil and Alex
I recently found these lovely people on YouTube and they were going through adopting children and because of my health problems, I may only be able to carry one child because of my kidney transplant so I am interested in the journey they took. I would consider adopting a child as well. They are a lovely family and I think I will follow their journey as it progresses.
(These are screenshots from their Instagram as I couldn't find any other pics on Pinterest.)

My full list of YouTuber People (A-Z).
Amelia Liana-More luxury travel and products.
Anna Saccone-Family Vlogging
Conor Maynard-Great musician
Dave Erasmus-Echo Friendly living, interesting concept.
Fun for Louis- I love Louis travel Vlogs and they inspire me to travel more.
It's a Buzz World-Family with multiples.
Jamie Oliver-Love his recipes.
Jim Chapman-Vlogs what he and Tanya Burr get up to.
Jonathan Joly-Family vlogging
Kristen Sarah-Travel vlogger
Mark Ferris-Collabs with Zoella are good.
Matt Tebbutt-Chef and food program presenter.
More Zoella-Zoella's second vlogging channel with all her fun adventures.
Niomi Smart-Healthy eating and exercise.
Phil and Alex-Adopting, family vlogging.
Pointless Blog-Funny challenges
Pointless Blog Vlogs-Second channel vlogging adventures.
Raya was here-Travel vlogger
Saccone-Jolys-Family vlogging
Shaytards-Family vlogging, American
Slyfox Family-family vlogging, American
Sprinkle of Chatter-Collabs with Zoella, topic videos
Sprinkle of Glitter-Family vlogging,
Tanya Burr-Beauty vlogger
Tom Daley-Olympian
Yoga with Adriene- Yoga vlogger
Zoella-Vlogging topic videos.
I follow a real mix of different types of vloggers and I have been inspired by all of them. I think I will continue to follow their journeys.