BLOGMAS...Day14 All Wrapped up....

Firstly, today if you didn't know is my 3 months post transplant anniversary! Still feel surreal sometimes but it also feels like it also was ages ago now. So this morning I went up to the hospital to get my weekly bloods done for my appointment at the hospital tomorrow. I hoping that my results are as good as last times with my function going back up and my sugar levels going down.

Any way on the way back we stopped of at Asda to get a few last minute stocking fillers for hubby, while he had a coffee in the cafe. I had been planning on going to a shop called Tiger which I mentioned previously, lets just say that I couldn't go in the end and leave it at that. So I needed somewhere close by that I could get lots of different stuff. I have managed to finish my mums stocking (which me,my husband and my brother share out the buying responsibilities!)
We only do this when it's her Christmas and we stay at her house. So I

have also finished my hubbies stocking gifts and his main present too. So I just need to wrap the other half of his present. The ony thing is I really need to make two stocking because we now only have Santa sacks which I suppose we could use for everything but I do want to hang a lovely homemade stocking that we can treasure and add to as we have a family.

I did make a lovely stocking but its so small-not even the elf's presents would fit in it!! So now I just use it for decoration!! So my next chore tomorrow or next week is to make them, because we are off to the IOW for Part 1 Christmas with the lovely in-laws. Their presents are wrapped (that we had delivered here) but a few got delivered there so we will need to wrap them when we get there, well I say we.....hubby has already admitted that he's not the best at wrapping so that will be my job-but I don't mind. I actually really enjoy wrapping presents, I used to wrap all my brothers presents he was giving for him (I did teach him how to wrap presents when he got older.) Earlier I got all the bits I needed, vital supplies like sellotape, tipex (in case I made a mistake while writing the tags-being dyslexic this would probably happen at some point) and wrapping paper obviously but the most vital bit of kit has got to be.......a cup of tea-lol!! Then I put on Love Actually and had it on while I wrapped presents on the sofa. I spent most of the afternoon wrapping presents but they are mostly done now (phew!!) Hence why the blog is quite late-oooops sorry!! I also ran out of red ribbon-again, annoyingly (which was from Tiger a few years ago) so, I have had to improvise with some wool that I have hanging about. One day they will look like the beautiful presents I pinned on Pinterest....!! I think my favourite gift wrap idea is definately the more rustic natural look, So I hope to achieve this look next year, I will make sure I'm prepared....and not run out of anything-silly Katrina!!
So I think I will be getting my sewing machine out soon and making those stockings other wise its going to bug me for ages. I think though I may run out of time so I will just use the sack in stead.
Any way it's late and I have to be at the hospital by lunch time and I have loads of stuff I need to do so night night and Toodles my little snow flakes XX