BLOGMAS...Day11 My Christmas Pinterest Boards (obsession)

So by now we have established that I love Pinterest (serious addiction/obsession-I would say!!) So thought I would share my little obsession with you all. So I have just under 170,000 followers on Pinterest, I have pinned about 25,000 pins, I think in total 93 boards (public and private.) So I have been doing this for some time but the problem is sometime you end up not being able to remember what pins you have pinned or finding them again. Any way, I do need to go through my Christmas board and split it into more specific boards, Christmas Trees and Decorations, Christmas Crafts, Christmas Home. I have one massive board which is currently called just Christmas but it's such a mixture of stuff.

So I have chosen some of the stuff I have pinned at the top of the board or I will be here for hours. So I have pinned different styles/themes for decoration recently, I am loving the white snowy look (I'm sure I mentioned that in another blog-sorry for repeating my self in my old age.) I also love the traditional red and gold which I kind of went for this year and then sneaked in some white decorations. I like the bauble with writing on, I love this because my hubby is a journalist so I would love to cover a bauble with the story about the story he wrote about my trek (back when we first met!) This would be super personalised which I also love all the handmade Christmas decorations and home decor, which is feel is the country Christmas which is my fav look!! Rustic and Country Chic (the British versions!) But this is the look that is very in this year with almost every home magazine showing the new Hygge style, Lots of pretty flickering candles and fur throws creating a very cosy atmosphere which is brought to us by Scandinavia. This is the look I will be working towards for our house from Jan!!

I have also included some decorations which most people will think that they are just represent the angels at Jesus' birth but for me they also are a little nod to those who are no longer with us. My late dad and my donor who I want to just have a subtle gesture to them. I will be thinking of them both as Christmas Day approaches!
I also put some festive pics that I loved like the vintage car with all the presents on the roof. I have noticed that a Vintage car and a tree on the roof has heavily featured in this years decorations. I think people are feeling nostalgic and wanting the retro Christmases.
So of my favourite Christmas food ideas came out of the 70's, I love the prawn cocktails and brandy snap baskets/cigars. A lot of the food was fun and didn't take it self too seriously as well as some interesting classic cocktails which are also making a come back. So these are some of the festive food I wanted to pinned, in preparation for hosting Christmas in years to come. I say why not go old school/vintage it makes people feel nostalgic and takes them back to their childhood/glory days!!

And lastly Christmas Fashion, I asked a fellow blogger (who does a fashion blog) what would there go to Christmas out fit be.
Should you go Glam or Novelty? Well I game up with a compromise

that Christmas eve when it is just immediate family you can do novelty, because you want to be comfortable while doing last minute tasks and Christmas day go more Glam. So I have pinned a few outfits, I love the sparkly/sequinned dresses-especially the lovely Champagne Gold look for Christmas Day (unfortunately I have sparkly dress I will be wearing already but maybe next year!!) I think also travelling to family all over the country you want to be comfy so I love the very relaxed jumper and jeans with a tartan scarf-Love love love tartan especially our family tartan on my side. Very festive!!
Right I'm off to cook flambe crayfish risotto and make this ginger bread house!!
So Toodles my Little Ginger Bread Houses xx