BLOGMAS...Day 19 Stocking stuffers and Main presents for Hubby

Before I start Hubby isn't reading this blog because I've told him that I writing about his presents, so I haven't ruined the surprise.
So I thought I would show you what I decided to get hubby for his
main present and stocking fillers. We did set a budget for both things this year as I had only been working part time and I'm obviously off work till Jan so money is a bit of a squeeze and we have lots of people to buy for so we normally limit presents to each other or put most of what we would have spent towards a holiday (well when we tried to go on holiday!)
So this year we decided to do stocking to each other (which I still need to make-ummm oops!) I might have to do that tomorrow earlier in the day! Any way, my hubby is quite chilled about presents, he loves chocolate and beer! So gotta give hubby what he wants!
So for his stocking I decided to get him:
Rudolf Reward Craft beer-I thought as the was Christmas themed this would be a cute stocking filler. I got it from Lidl, the price wasn't that bad for the size of it which made it a perfect stocking stuffer present.
30 minute meal mini cook book- I thought this would be good on an evening when hubby finishes late or we are out all day and instead of ordering take away we could use this quick meal cook book. Plus its's small so you good take this with you if you were going self catering on holiday.
Le Grande fromage- is a a cheese cutter in the shape of a mouse trap with I thought was quite funny because my nickname is mouse and there is an on going joke in the family. So I thought this would make him laugh its a bit of a silly present really.
Panattoni-this is a chocolate one because I know he prefers chocolate to more dried fruit based things.Plus it was so festive and cute in its's little box, plus they are yummy.
Chocolate coins- they are a tradition on my side of the family on stockings. I prefer the silver coins because they have white chocolate in them,
Festive mug-I bought him as festive mug so he can enjoy a nice coffee in it through out the rest of December. I have put the coins in side to make it look cuter.
Scottish Shortbread- I thought this was a cute tin and i know he likes short bread and I thought as a Sunday afternoon snack with a nice cup of tea or coffee.
Bayles and Harding- Body stuff which I thought he could use for travelling (when we are off on our holidays)
Jazzie- a gaint chocolate button thing with sprinkles all over it. I thought this was fun and different to normal chocolate bars.
Steaming Hot socks- I thought these very cute and highly appropriate, again very traditional to get socks in your stocking.
Picture Frame- the plan is to print off one of our Santa shoot pics and put it in there as a fun moment from this Blogmas I wanted us both to remember.
I think I may get him a few more bits of chocolate from Poundland probably, some sort of Santa chocolate or pop back into Lidl because they have a great range.
So his main present is a crate of Craft Beer- Best of British which I got from Not On The High Street. Which is where I tend to get quite a few of his main presents because they are unusual gifts or hand made or personalised. He has said he thought I was very cute when I got him the crate of beers a few years ago so I think that was a subtle hint to me to get him the same again. So at least I know he will like that.
The second main present is a really nice jumper which has a lovely

collar which I think will look great on him. It's navy blue because he only likes to wear a few colours but I know he will like this one. I'm hoping in the New Year to go shopping with him to get more of these because I think he will look very handsome in it.
We are then going to treat our selves to a washing machine in January so that's a big present to our selves really, that and hopefully a holiday soon!!
Right I am off my little brandy snap baskets XX
PS who remembers them? I loved them!!!