BLOGMAS...Day 17 Isle of Wight Christmas part 2

So like on Christmas morning I tend to wake up fairly early, I think it's my need for a cup of tea as soon as I wake up. I seriously think I have a problem, I might need a tea-tox lol!! Yes I laugh at my own jokes-sad I know!! So I will be heading
down stair for breakfast in my festive jumper -Let it snow and my festive leggings which match my jumper very well. Have a nice (fairly leisurely breakfast)

Then either up to the warren for a festive walk or back up stairs for showers and get ready to deck our self out in the family jewels (only joking but we do go and spruce our selves up-don't worry it's not like an episode of Downton!) Oh talking of Downton, who else is going to be sad it's not on this Christmas!! I wish they would do a movie!! Any way I digress, then once we are all ready it's back down stairs for prezzies and then Christmas Dinner is about 3.00. Actually in the middle some where there I need to wrap 2 more presents. Only small ones but still a lot to do!!

This year my out fit I have chosen to wear for the big day at the in-laws is my lovely blue dress (I wore for the Christmas works meal minus the cream jacket) I will be wearing sparkly tights as well to make it a bit more festive and some nice jewelry. I think my make up will be a fairly easy look with some silver eye liner to match my tights and just a bright red matt lip because I don't want it all rubbed off by dinners come around. Nothing more annoying than having to keep reapplying your lipstick.

So Christmas lunch is beef this year, with all the trimmings. I can't tell you how nice it is to be able to really enjoy Christmas food this year. That in it's self is a present!! My sugars are OK but I'm hoping they will come down as my med's go down. I can't believe it's been 3 months, it does feel like a while ago now and I guess it is.
It is now the evening, all the lovely Christmas presents have been

unwrapped, Christmas dinner eaten and we have settled down for some TV while we have a bit of a rest before having a few nibbles later before turning into bed. I will defiantly have to go back to the gym in the New Year. I tried to be good but it's so hard not to eat all the lovely food that is around at this time of year.
Right Night Night, well I'm off Toodles my little roast potatoes XX