BLOGMAS...Day 10 New Years Resolutions
So I think it's pretty well known in my family that every year one of my New Years Resolutions is the same and has been since I was in secondary school! OK let's just say that I'm not the most organised person in the world but I'm defiantly getting a bit better since I have restarted blogging again. I think that's because I am planning blog posts and writing my ideas down.
So my New Years resolutions are:
Be more organised-I am determined to crack this one this year (2017)!
Work on the house and get it to how I want it. De-clutter in Jan to start!
Do more activities with my hubby-enjoy our new beginning together (do all the things we couldn't do when I was ill.)
Go and compete in the British Transplant Games in 2017 (need to train hard and lose weight to be able compete)
Continue to Blog-although might have a little break in the beginning of Jan to have a rest-it's a lot of work Blogmas!!
Have more dinner parties!! (This is just a fun one but I do want to use the Vintage Tea Party book more for parties!)
Go back to work full time eventually and start doing some courses to progress my skill

These are all things that I think that will be
important to me in 2017. I feel that these are all achievable and realistic. ONE is to be more organised and I think for me I have already started this with my planners on my fridge which I update each week of what I have got planned and what meals I will be cooking and then a list of jobs around the house I want to get down (that's really for the new year.) This has helped me to be
much more organised, I also now use my diary to write in everything I am doing. Normally I would just try and remember appointments and meetings etc in my head. Who am I kidding, I have the worst memory ever so that technique was obviously not going to work. My plan is Jan is going to be sorting out our filling system because let's be honest I don't really follow it at the moment-bad Kat!!
I think to also help get organised we need to de-clutter and clear out draws and give everything a proper home. I will also look through this book again which I got one Christmas I believe. It's got loads of great tips on how to have a tidy and organised home, so this is definitely my homework/bedtime reading in Jan! I am cross with my self that it has taken me till I am 30 to really try and be organised!

So number TWO is to work on the house, I want to get some new bits for the house, including a washer/dryer, a corner sofa, some kitchen stuff-like new utensils as ours are a bit old, a new shelving unit for the bathroom and a shelving unit/ bracket to mount the Tv to the wall. All these thing will help make the house a bit more homely and then repaint the whole house, and eventually do all the floors, replace the bathroom and kitchen units and then finally put in a summer house in the garden for what will hopefully be my art studio/ my hubbies little bar area so he can have mates round for BBQ's and have the drinks ready to gbo! This is obviously over a few years, I don't think I could get that all done in 2017 but it would be amazing if we could. I'm going to start with the basics first and then work on the bigger stuff!!
Number THREE is the one I am looking forward to the most, weekends away, day trips, holidays and mini adventures these are all the things I've wanted to do but couldn't because I was ill. I am most excited about going on my first holiday-I can not wait and some mini weekend trips away!! I really want to go Italy and Edinburgh next year so I am hoping I get at least these two done.
Number FOUR is my personal goal because only I can train and go to the gym and not eat all the Christmas Chocolates!! I did buy new trainers and I did get new gym clothes so I need to increase my visits, I actually got a text from the gym saying that thadn't seen me in a while-that's a bit awkward, I felt like I was getting told off-😭! You might eventually see me running along the beach (when it's much warmer and I can run-that would be a good start!)
Number FIVE is continue to do my blog, maybe not every day but regularly, although I have already thought about some blogs I can do in the new year already. I am hoping that THREE and FIVE will work together to give me content already to go!! I will blog my journey to the Transplant Games too so that will be a few good blogs.
Number SIX is to throw more dinner parties!! YAY!!! I have millions of ideas on Pinterest and when I was ill all I wanted to do was host parties, mostly themed ones including, a Hawaiian, Downton Abbey, Murder Mystery (currently in the middle of writing the plot for it), Bond, tea party, garden party-to name but a few!! I think because I couldn't do any cooking, standing or much socialising, it was quite difficult but I think might give this ago in a few months once I've got to 6 months, so weirdly that's right around our birthday's-what a coincident lol (just a small gathering though for the first one!!) I had hosted one Christmas Dinner party several years ago when I was ill but stable and it was hard work-not going to rush into a big 20 guest dinner party just yet lol! There is a book I defiantly want to use when I am going to be hosting, it called Vintage Tea Party Year and it has so many fabulous ideas and unique ways of hosting parties.
And Finally SEVEN which is to go back to full time work and start doing some courses to possibly become a lecturer. This is something I'm considering at the moment, becoming a lecturer. Obviously plans may change who knows but these are my New Years Resolutions for now.
Right Toodles my little Stollens XX